Share Your Memory

A Story of Social Work at EWU – The 50th Anniversary video/audio collection invites our students, alumnae, community partners, and campus partners to speak about their relationship to social work and the EWU School of Social Work. We will share these on our social media sites, at our Anniversary events, and on our website.

Share your statement about any of the following:

    •  “Why I became a social worker?”
    •  “Why Eastern?”
    •  “To me, social work means…”
    • “…keeps me going as a social worker.”
    • or  Create your own prompt.


    • Step One Please record a short video or audio statement on your phone in a quiet location. Feel free to choose a prompt from above or your own prompt. In your recording, please mention the name you’d like us to use. If you’re an EWU alumnus, we’d love to know your graduation year for your BASW or MSW (or both). Your recording should be between 10 and 30 seconds long

    • Step Two Complete and submit the form below with your video/audio submission. Once you click submit, you can upload your media file into the Google folder.

      Your Name(Required)
      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    • Step Three Upload Your media file after you sign the release.

Questions? Contact Deb Svoboda at