Financial Wellness

Empowering Your Future

Welcome to the Financial Wellness Program! We are dedicated to empowering students on their path to financial success. Our certified Financial Peer Mentors are ready for one-on-one mentoring sessions to boost your financial literacy and provide practical guidance. Alternatively, if you prefer independent learning, our Everfi partnership offers helpful videos. Join us on this exciting adventure toward a financially empowered future!

Peer Mentorship EverFi Resources Financial Worksheets

What We Teach

Embark on a journey to understand financial topics and discover practical ways to apply your newfound knowledge.

Gain Financial Literacy

Start understanding saving, budgeting, and managing debt, paving the way for a sense of financial well-being.

Navigate College Expenses

Understand the different options to pay for college and feel better prepared to make those choices when you are informed.


Shape Your Financial Future

We'll help you understand what's coming and set up goals that make sense for someone just out of college.

Financial Peer Mentoring

Our peer mentors are trained Certified Financial Peer Mentors and have passed a rigorous exam through Fincert, an Institute for Financial Literacy division.

Sessions are student-driven. Mentors will discuss your current financial needs and goals, and take you through a guided financial education curriculum.

Everfi: Free and Easy Financial Training

Everfi is a free resource with comprehensive sessions on financial topics. EWU students and faculty (and families) can access Everfi lessons for free at any time. If you meet with our mentors, we can also walk through this material with you and help you navigate your financial learning journey.

Explore Everfi

dollar bill with Swoop on it

Financial Worksheets and Resources



We’ve put together a bunch of helpful worksheets and links to guide you through important topics like Budgeting, Saving, Paying for College, Credit, and Setting Financial Goals. We get it – tackling these things might sound a bit overwhelming, but think of it like starting a worksheet to define your goals. Whether you’re just starting or looking to level up your money game, our resources are here to help break things down and make it easier for you.

Meet Our Mentors

Akolade Michael Dada

Financial Mentor
Photo of Akolade Michael Dada