Considering Economics?

Opportunities in the Field

An ever-changing world requires a flexible major, and an economics degree is one of the most versatile degrees available. It intersects with other disciplines such as finance, sociology, political science, public or business administration, psychology, mathematics, and sustainability.

A degree in economics may be about finance, banking, business or government but it can also be useful to all individuals and can lead to many fulfilling career choices. Others have gone on to graduate school to earn MBAs, Masters of Science or Arts degrees, PhDs or law degrees.

EWU economics majors have worked at banks, credit unions, and manufacturing companies. They are high school teachers, healthcare staff, labor market forecasters, military procurement employees, accountants, etc.

Labor Analysis Explore Career Paths

From Our Students

In this video, economic majors share what they like about the program.

“I feel like the content is really relevant to the real world and I feel like I’m learning valuable lessons I can take with me.”

Considering a Career in Economics?

This video from the American Economic Association offers insights on how economics can be a tool for solving problems. It provides some interesting perspectives on how different students chose economics as a career path.

Labor Analysis

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that earning a bachelor’s degree in economics is a wise career move.

Number of Jobs

In 2019, there were 20,500 jobs
for economists.

Projected Growth

Employment opportunities in the field are expected to grow by 14% over the next decade. The average growth rate for all occupations is 4%.

Average Salary Range

The average early career salary for someone holding a bachelor’s degree in economics is about $55,000 per year, while the typical mid-career salary is $93,000.

Why else is economics a smart move?

  • The problem-solving and analytical skills involved in economics complement very well with a variety of other majors including finance, international affairs, public administration, political science, marketing, policy analysis, law, entrepreneurship, history, and many more.
  • Economics educates future analysts and administrators of governmental agencies, utilities, and nonprofits with the goal of administering public policies to mitigate the unintended consequences of societal choices and remedy failures of the free market system.
Economics isn’t just about dollars and cents – it’s about doing good, too.

Career Paths for Graduates

Data Analyst

Making sense of data is a challenging task. Identify patterns and communicate complex data effectively to non-experts.

Economic Analyst

Help an organization make informed decisions regarding improvements in financial products, services and processes.

Economic Consultant

Tackle a wide variety of complex problems, such as analyzing market prices or estimating the impact of a new government regulation.

Financial Consultant

Apply the quantitative skills you acquire in school to the analysis of stocks, bonds and other investment instruments.

Market Research Analyst

Assess current and future market trends, anticipating how they may affect a product or service being delivered by an organization.

Policy Analyst

Evaluate public policies and their impact on society — analyze data, assess potential problems and find possible solutions.

Pricing Analyst

Aid a company in determining the “optimal” price level, given consumer preferences and market competition.


Entry-level jobs involve designing surveys, data collection and analysis. However, in most cases, this career requires a master’s degree.