Reproductive Justice Resources

Dobbs Decision

Most People Criminalized for Inducing Abortion are Turned in by Doctors, Not Internet Activity, by Kylie Cheung, Jezebel, August 9, 2022

Kansas votes to protect abortion rights in state constitution, by Poppy Noor, The Guardian, August 3, 2022

Meeting with the Vice President on Abortion, by Meghan Brink, InsideHigherEd, August 9, 2022

Lawmakers, abortion rights protesters arrested outside Supreme Court, By Ellie Silverman, The Washington Post, July 20, 2022

‘We feel kind of powerless’: The end of Roe is overwhelming clinics in states that protect abortion, By Shefali Luthra, The 19th, July 15, 2022

What the liberal justices’ scorching dissent reveals about the US supreme court, By Joan E Greve, The Guardian, July 11, 2022

Abortion, Choice, and the Supreme Court: History Behind the Headlines, July 6, 2022 webinar that places the Dobbs decision in historical context

Abortion Decision Takes Aim at College Students By Christina Christie and Eileen Strempel | Inside Higher Ed, June 29, 2022

Will the Fall of ‘Roe’ Change the College-Going Landscape? By Nell Gluckman | The Chronicle for Higher Education, June 28, 2022

Supreme Court Ruling Will Upend Reproductive Rights for College Students and Complicate Medical Training By Katherine Mangan The Chronicle for Higher Education, June 24, 2022

Statement Concerning the Overturning of Roe v. Wade By National Women’s Studies Association, June 24, 2022

Our Statement on Bodily Autonomy By African American Policy Forum, June 24, 2022

Supreme Court gives states green light to ban abortion, overturning Roe By Josh Gerstein, Alice Miranda Ollstein and Quint Forget | Politico, June 24, 2022

Roe v. Wade has been overturned. In these states, abortion access will no longer be accessible By Shefali Luthra | The 19th, June 24, 2022

They Called Us ‘Hysterical.’ Now Roe is Dead By Laura Bassett | Jezebel, June 24, 2022

US Supreme Court overturns abortion rights, upending Roe v Wade By Moira Donegan | The Guardian, June 24, 2022

From marriage equality to interracial marriage, Supreme Court conservatives appear divided on handling civil rights after Roe decision By Shefali Luthra | The 19th, June 24, 2022


Local Resources for Abortion/Reproductive Health

On June 30 Gov. Inslee issued a directive prohibiting state law enforcement cooperation with abortion-related investigations.

On June 24, the governors of California, Oregon and Washington issued a Multi-State Commitment to defend access to reproductive health care.

The Northwest Abortion Access Fund is an abortion fund that serves Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. They help people pay for abortion care by sending funding directly to the patients’ clinic, help people get to and from the clinic, and ensure people have a safe place to stay while traveling for care. Their trained, compassionate, volunteer advocates run their toll-free hotline.

There are 11 Planned Parenthood locations providing care in Eastern Washington.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Greater Washington and North Idaho is an independent non-profit, nonpartisan organization that works to educate residents and policy-makers about reproductive health issues in Washington and Idaho. They set up a hospitality fund for patients that are traveling.

Reproductive Justice – YWCA Spokane

Pro-Choice Washington is an organization that works with partners, allies, and activists on the ground to increase abortion access statewide.

Legal Voice provides a plethora of information and resources surrounding reproductive rights. The organization works in Northwest courtrooms, legislatures, and communities to create and enforce strong equitable laws and empower people to know their rights.


Reproductive Justice protest sign

National Resources

Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe, Guttmacher Institute

Pew Research Center’s Political Issues page on abortion

If you need help finding an abortion, head to or

If you’re worried your abortion or pregnancy outcome could be criminalized, go to or call their hotline at 844-868-2812

The National Women’s Law Center set up this Resource Hub on the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade.

The Brennan Center for Justice published this article on June 24 regarding what the Dobbs decision shows us about how democracy has been thwarted.  On June 28 they published this analysis of the threat of constitutional “originalism.”

The National Network of Abortion Funds works to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.

Keep Our Clinics supports small, community-based clinics who rely on individuals and communities to keep their doors open.

Gender Justice works to dismantle the legal, political, and structural barriers to gender equity. This work includes trans and LGBTQ+ liberation work, and fighting to establish freedom from gender-based violence.

The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice fights to establish equal access to reproductive health services for Latina/o/x communities.

Abortion Finder is a comprehensive directory of verified abortion service providers in the United States.

AidAccess supports trans men, women, girls, nonbinary, and all people experiencing unwanted pregnancy access an abortion or miscarriage treatment.

SisterSong is a Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective that was formed in 1997 by 16 organizations of women of color from four mini-communities (Native American, African American, Latina, and Asian American). The collective works to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.

The National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda is a national-state partnership focused on amplifying the voices of Black women leaders at the national and regional levels in the fight for reproductive justice for all women, femmes, and girls.

AllAboveAll* is a coalition made up of over 130 national, state and regional partner organizations committed to restoring federal funding for abortion.

The National LGBTQ Task Force is an organization that recognizes that everyone has a fundamental right to sexual and bodily autonomy and the LGBTQ community continue to face pervasive discrimination designed to block access to reproductive healthcare on the basis of identity. The National LBGTQ Task Force works to advance full freedom, justice and equity for all LGBTQ people. Check out their resources for queering reproductive health, rights, and justice.

National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum is the only organization focused on building power among AAPI women and girls to influence critical decisions that effect their lives, families and communities.

Black Women’s Health Imperative is the first and only national non-profit solely dedicated to achieving health equity for Black women in America.

Heart to Grow is a faith-driven organization that works to promote sexual health, uproot gendered violence, and advance reproductive justice by establishing choice and access for the most impacted Muslims.

Abortion Access Front is an organization comprised of comedians, writers, and producers who use humor and pop culture to expose anti-choice forces working to destroy access to reproductive resources in all 50 states.

Liberate Abortion is an effort comprised of over 150 reproductive justice and rights organizations, and abortion providers working together to fight to ensure that abortion is available, affordable, accessible, and stigma-free for everyone who needs it.

Handbook for a Post-Roe America is an information website that gives you all the information you need to know before and after Roe v. Wade is overturned. Here you will find a guide with Information About Abortion Practical Support Groups By Region, well as a Cheat Sheet for Protecting Access and so much more.

Surge Reproductive Justice centers Black women, women of color, and queer and trans people of color in their work toward advancing reproductive justice.

Upstream works to increase access to contraception.

Where Abortion Access Would Decline If Roe v. Wade Were Overturned By Quoctrung Bui, Claire Cane Miller, Margot Sanger-Catz, May 18, 2021

What abortion looks like in every state–right now By Jasmine Mithani, Shefali Luthra, Abby Johnston, May 5, 2022

Indigenous Women Rising works to honor Native and Indigenous People’s inherent right to equitable and culturally safe health options through health education, advocacy, and resources.


Understanding Attacks on Bodily Autonomy

Trans Men Talk About Why They Got Abortions, by Hallie Lieberman, BuzzFeed, August 15, 2022

Overturn of Roe Could Mean the End of Fertility Medicine, by Nairi Shirinian and Meghna Mukherjee, Ms. Magazine, July 13, 2022

US House passes bill to protect right to same-sex and interracial marriage, By Lois Beckett, The Guardian, July 19, 2022

‘Absolutely Terrifying’: Criminal Defense Attorneys Warn About Impacts of Roe Reversal By Jessica Corbett | Common Dreams, June 16, 2022

Indivisible: Why Race, Gender, and LGBTQIA+ Justice Cannot Be Separated | Under the Blacklight a webinar present by African American Policy Forum, June 1, 2022

Attacks on abortion and gender-affirming care dismiss bodily autonomy By Arjee Restar and Kellan Baker | The Seattle Times, May 13, 2022

People are rallying this weekend for abortion rights. What comes next? Errin Haines gives an analysis on the anger that has been stirred by the attack on reproductive rights and discusses how organizers plan to channel that into political action, especially during election season | The 19th, May 9, 2022

Chase Strangio: Alabama Ban on Trans Youth Healthcare Is Part of Wider GOP Attack on Bodily Autonomy Amy Goodman discusses the implications of the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade with ACLU attorney Chase Strangio | DemocracyNow!, May 9, 2022

How the several of Roe v. Wade could impact the transgender community By Ayen Bior | NPR, May 5, 2022

Bodily Control and the Color Line: The supreme court’s draft abortion opinion is posed to revive some of the worst traditions of white patriarchy By Rafia Zakaria | The Forum, May 5, 2022

How the reversal of Roe v. Wade could impact the transgender community By Ayen Bior | NPR, May 5, 2022

Banning abortions will not stop abortions By Katelyn Jetelina | YLE Women’s Health, May 5, 2022

In a Post-Roe America, Expect More Births, in a Country Where Maternal Mortality Continues to Rise – ProPublica By Robin Fields and Adriana Gallardo |ProPublica, May 4, 2022

Roe v. Wade in Peril: Our Latest Resources By Guttmacher Institute, 2022

Why using inclusive language in abortion care is an essential aspect of equal rights By Aspen Ruhlin | Beacon, July 26, 2020

Mobilizing for Reproductive Freedom in the Battle Over Bodily Sovereignty By Political Research Associates, July 23, 2021

Abortion Restrictions Could Prompt an Avalanche of Attacks on Body Autonomy By Anoa Changa | Truthout, December 13, 2021



Reproductive Justice Reading List

Feminist Studies digital special re-issue with free access to articles they have published on abortion in the last 10 years

Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now by Jenny Brown is available as an ebook for 60% off from Vero Books

Handbook for A Post-Roe America By Robin Marty is available for 40% off from Seven Stories Press

Choice Words: Writers on Abortion is available for 50% off from Haymarket Books, along with free organizing materials

Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control by Betsy Hartmann is available for $5 from Haymarket Books

Undivided Rights: Women of Color Organizing for Reproductive Justice By Marlene Gerber Fried, Elena Gutiérrez, Loretta Rose, and Jael Silliman is available as both a physical book and an ebook from Haymarket Books for 50% off

How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is available for $5 from Haymarket Book

The Billboard By Natalie Y. Moore is available for $8 from Haymarket Books

In response to the recently leaked Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade, Haymarket Books is offering their Reproductive Justice Starter Kit at a discount.

How To Talk About Abortion Guide By ProChoice Washington is available as a free download.

Queering Reproductive Justice: A Toolkit (PDF) is a free publication offered by the National LGBTQ Task Force



Abortion rally banner reads: Abortion: Not a Cissue

Get Involved

Limited Access to Abortion is a Public Health Issue:  How you can help, July 11, 2020 post and podcast by Your Local Epidemiologist

Advocacy Essentials: Reproductive, Rights, Health, and Justice is free PDF publication by Bolder Advocacy: A program of Alliance for Justice, which provides an overview of the laws and regulations that apply to public charities when they engage in lobbying and advocacy for reproductive rights during election time. This free PDF from Bolder Advocacy outlines what advocacy work is and how to get involved: What is Advocacy?

Find out how to get involved with Alliance for Justice.

There are many ways to get involved in reproductive advocacy with The Center for Reproductive Rights.

Check out ProChoice Washington’s 2022 Action List.

Join or Start an Activist Chapter with the guidance of Pro-Choice Washington who are growing a network of activists in communities, high schools, and universities across Washington State.

The National Black Woman’s Reproductive Justice Agenda provides the Complete Toolkit – Advancing Reproductive Rights, Health, and Justice with Local Resolutions to assist in advocacy, policy development and implementation, and community engagement.