Clawson-Youngs Award in Environmental Studies

New awards in environmental work will be available to EWU students for ongoing projects in any field of environmental studies. Projects should be mentored by a faculty sponsor. Each student will receive $500 at the start of the project in Winter quarter 2025 and a second $500 upon completion of the project during the Spring quarter of 2025.

Applicant projects are invited in a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: history, literature, theatre, anthropology, art, music, biology, and geosciences. We encourage a wide variety of approaches to these topics including research, creative works, and community-based activities.

Questions? For more information you can contact or any of these members of the committee:
Larry Cebula, PhD (History) Bill Youngs,PhD (History)  Paul Lindholdt, Phd (English), Chad Pritchard, PhD (Geology) Julia Smith, PhD (Anthropology)

How it Works

  • Submit an application below describing your proposed project by February 15, 2025.
  • If you are chosen you will need to submit a report or completed creative work by June 6, 2025.
The faculty mentor will receive your form entry at this email address.

Tell us about your project

We encourage a variety of activities, including research, creative works such as art or writing, or community-based work, and the like. In a brief narrative (no more than 2-pages and double-spaced – please use the following format to describe your project:
  • What is the product that will show that you’ve successfully completed the project? (Possibilities include, but are not limited to, an essay, a conference presentation, a completed work of art, or community engagement.)
  • How does your project relate to environmental issues?
  • How do you envision that your project will influence the community or university?
  • What work and skills do you have that will help to complete this project? for example, you can mention qualifications such as previous course-work, existing relationships with faculty mentors, or life experiences.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.