Phi Alpha Theta is the national history honors society, which has 350,000 members, with about 9,500 new members joining each year through 860 local chapters across the United States and Canada. There is a one-time initiation fee and once you join, you are a member for life. Being a member of this organization looks great on your resume and will be well regarded by potential employers. Members also have the opportunity to network with the professional historical community by going to regional conferences and learning about resources for professionals and history buffs in the Spokane area.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or J. “Bill” T. Youngs at You can also visit our Facebook page.
Membership Requirements:
- Undergraduates must have at least 12 quarter credits in history (or 3 courses), a GPA of at least 3.1 in history, and a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA.
- Graduate students must have at least 12 quarter credits toward their master’s degree and a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or better.
Submit the completed membership application and a $50 check (made payable to Phi Alpha Theta) to the department secretary.
Northwest Regional Conference:
The annual Phi Alpha Theta regional conference allows students to present original research and meet other historians from around the Northwest. Active members of EWU History Club are fully funded if they choose to present at the regional conference.