
About Us

History provides knowledge for unlocking all other realms of human development. The study of history provides a solid foundation not only for history and social studies education majors, but for careers in law, business, government, international relations, journalism, library services and museums, to name but a few. As peoples of different ethnicities interact with each other more frequently in the 21st century, understanding each other’s past paves the way for harmonious and beneficial cross-cultural relations.

London and Paris Travel Abroad 2025



Why Study History at Eastern?

We are committed to excellence and student success.


Expansive Topics for Study

We offer courses in U.S., world, and European history as well as colonialism, public history, culture, race, gender and more.


Service Opportunities

Get hands-on experience in internships, professional and ASEWU leadership, and volunteer work on and off campus.


Study Abroad

Study abroad with history faculty in Paris, London, the San Juan Islands, Passau, Oaxaca and various National Parks.

Affordable Education

You don't have to sacrifice quality to get an education you can afford.

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Small Class Sizes

Most classes are limited to 15-25 students, which allows professors to devote time to individual students.


Excellent Job Opportunities

Our graduates have a great record of finding employment soon after graduation.

Careers in History

Studying history at Eastern Washington University leads to many career opportunities:


Law & Government


Museum Curating

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Archival Work &
Historic Preservation



Whether you're looking for a job in government, education or for a non-profit, the EWU Career Center is available to help!

History Scholarship Opportunities

This scholarship awards a scholarship to an undergraduate full-time student with a declared History major.

Recipients must be in good academic standing at EWU, with preference to students with department average 3.2 GPA and above and demonstrated financial need.

To qualify for this scholarship, you must submit the EWU Annual scholarship application. Deadlines and applications information is available on the EWU Scholarship Page.

Each recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in History with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Primary consideration will be given to those students emphasizing in East Asian History.

For more information, contact your history faculty advisor.

Recipient must be a declared History major with junior or senior standing, with preference given to students with a 3.5 GPA or higher.

For more information, contact your history faculty advisor.

EWU has numerous scholarships and opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. Some that may be of interest to History students:

Clawson – Bill Youngs Environmental Award Application
This is an opportunity for students that are pursing projects in environmental work to receive funding to assist with their project. Applicants’ projects are invited from a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: history, literature, theatre, anthropology, art, music, biology, and geosciences. Learn more on the application page.

Krumble Foundation Internship Stipend Program
This is an opportunity meant to alleviate any financial burdens that would prevent a student from pursuing an internship. Students participating in an unpaid internship at a non-profit or governmental agency can apply for a one-time stipend.

The History Program offers multiple scholarships that support History Majors at Eastern Washington University.

Scholarship requirements are listed under each scholarship and if you have any questions, please feel free to email jsmith4@ewu.edu

Student Organizations

History Club brings students and professors together for intellectual and social exchanges. If you like to hang out with people who share your enthusiasm for old stuff—whether it’s ancient Egypt, colonial architecture, or Cold War Politics—then consider joining. There are no fees or requirements and you don’t have to be a member of Phi Alpha Theta to participate in History Club!

Here are some of the events and activities that History Club members facilitate:

  • Stage an annual trivia contest, raffle, and fundraiser
  • Campus-wide teach-ins on current events of global importance
  • Judge middle school and high school papers at National History Day
  • Celebrate great historical events
  • Campus-wide film screenings
  • Host a variety of guest speakers and workshops

Phi Alpha Theta is the national history honors society, which has 350,000 members, with about 9,500 new members joining each year through 860 local chapters across the United States and Canada. There is a one-time initiation fee and once you join, you are a member for life. Being a member of this organization looks great on your resume and will be well regarded by potential employers.  Members also have the opportunity to network with the professional historical community by going to regional conferences and learning about resources for professionals and history buffs in the Spokane area.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at phialphatheta@gmail.com or J. “Bill” T. Youngs at jyoungs@ewu.edu You can also visit our Facebook page.

Membership Requirements:

  • Undergraduates must have at least 12 quarter credits in history (or 3 courses), a GPA of at least 3.1 in history, and a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA.
  • Graduate students must have at least 12 quarter credits toward their master’s degree and a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or better.

Submit the completed membership application and a $50 check (made payable to Phi Alpha Theta) to the department secretary.

Northwest Regional Conference:

The annual Phi Alpha Theta regional conference allows students to present original research and meet other historians from around the Northwest. Active members of EWU History Club are fully funded if they choose to present at the regional conference.