Eastern Washington Regional History Day


National History Day is an acclaimed history education program that encourages middle school and high school students to become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights, and artists as they create unique interpretations of the past. National History Day makes history come alive through active student learning and provides educators with professional development opportunities. The theme of the 2024-2025 History Day competition is “Rights and Responsibility in History.” For further information on this year’s theme, please see the National History Day website.

The Eastern Washington Regional History Day competition is sponsored by the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) and the Department of History, Anthropology, Modern Languages and Literatures (HAMLL) at Eastern Washington University.

How to Participate

Students can enter one of five categories of competition: Papers, Exhibits, Performances, Documentaries, and Websites. Students can work as individuals or in groups in every category except for the Paper. Students compete in two age divisions, with grades 6th through 8th grades participating in the junior division and grades 9th through 12th participating in the senior division.

Winners of each category may continue onto the Washington State History Day competition, which is now sponsored by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Washington State Historical Society, and the Washington State Archives.

Winners of the State competition can attend the National History Day contest (dates to be announced).

Eastern Washington Regional Competition








The 2025 Eastern Washington Regional History Day competition will be held on March 1st. 

Registration for 2025 will be open from January 1st to February 10th through the NHD site: https://wa-ewrc.nhd.org/App?f=28c7e89e-9af0-48a9-bd97-51d3347c6167

Questions about the Eastern Washington Regional History Day competition can be directed to the regional coordinator, Dr. Tyler (jhedlundtyler@ewu.edu). All questions about registration for the Eastern Washington Regional History Day competition can be directed to the state coordinator, Hannah Tofte (hannah.tofte@k12.wa.us).


High school students look at history presentations in a hallway
People look at history displays and research projects
Painting of a faceless man on plywood
Students reenact a historical event
Two middle schoolers standing in front of a presentation screen
Teenage students look at history presentations
Students examine posters and history displays
Auditorium full of people