Basic Camp
Basic Camp is a four-week leadership course located in Fort Knox, KY. Cadets are taught leadership, teamwork, and problem solving by being placed in rigorous and challenging exercises. Cadets also learn to rappel, fire an M-16, and perform several obstacle courses. Contracted Cadets can attend Basic Camp after their second year in the program. Enrolled students can also attend as a method to earn Basic Course credit.

Advanced Camp
Advanced Camp is a 37-day training event that incorporates a wide range of subjects designed to develop and assess leadership ability. The challenges are rigorous and demanding, both mentally and physically. Advanced Camp tests intelligence, common sense, ingenuity and stamina. These challenges provide a new perspective on problem-solving and making difficult decisions in demanding situations.
Advanced Camp places cadets in leadership positions, many of which simulate stressful combat situations. In each position, Cadets are evaluated by coaches, mentors and trainers (CMT) officers and noncommissioned officers. In addition to demonstrating their leadership ability, Cadets must meet standards in physical fitness, navigation, weapons training, and communication. Cadets must successfully complete Advanced Camp to be considered competitive for a commission as an Army officer. Over 5,000 Army ROTC cadets throughout the nation attend Advanced Camp. Cadets typically attend this course between their junior and senior year of college.