Archive: stories
Freedom of Speech: The Palestine Exception

The Teach-In “Freedom of Speech: The Palestine Exception” features three powerful voices on the frontline of struggles to reclaim freedom of speech across US campuses: Natasha Lennard is a columnist at The Intercept. She is the associate director of the Creative Publishing & Critical Journalism program at the New School for Social Research in New York,…
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When the River Becomes a Cloud / Cuando el río se transforma en nube
October 29, 2024

An exhibition by DeepTime Collective (Amanda Leigh Evans & Tia Kramer) Opening Reception: The opening reception of When the River Becomes a Cloud as well as a gallery talk by Tia Kramer will be held on Thursday, November 21st, at noon in the EWU Gallery of Art. Closing Reception/Lecture: A closing reception and lecture by Amanda…
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2024 EWU Latino/a/x & Chicano Graduation Ceremony
July 25, 2024

The Latino and Chicano graduation was first celebrated in June of 2021, an alternative commencement to celebrate the work of EWU Latino and Chicano students from marginalized communities – an opportunity to honor shared perseverance in the face of unique obstacles. 80% of the graduates fell under the category of first-generation college students – undergraduates…
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Spring 2024 Production: New Play Festival

New Play Festival Eastern Washington University Theatre presents a festival of short new plays written by EWU theatre students and Inland Northwest playwrights. The festival features performances of five ten-minute plays, a one-act play, and a devised theatre piece written, directed, designed, stage managed and performed by students under the mentorship of Theatre faculty. This…
[Read more]Afropolitanism: Expressing Black Joy
January 31, 2024

In honor of Black History Month February 2024, Eastern Washington University’s Africana Studies presents: Afropolitanism: Expressing Black Joy Africana Studies has partnered with departments and programs across campus to offer a wide range of events throughout the month with plenty of opportunities to learn and connect with the campus community. Join us at any of…
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Beyond the Fence – Ellen Picken | Feb 15th – April 12th
January 30, 2024 by Jazmine Jackson

Reception/Lecture: Thursday, February 15th | Noon Location: Eastern Washington University Gallery of Art | Art Building Hours: Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm and closed weekends, holidays and for spring break March 27-31, 2023. Admission is free “Beyond the Fence Ancient men and women tucked inside their secret homes hint at things gone…
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Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life
January 26, 2024

Thursday, March 7th Noon to 1:30pm | PUB NCR Zoom option available: Some eleven million undocumented immigrants reside in the United States, carving out lives amid a growing web of surveillance that threatens their and their families’ societal presence. Asad L. Asad’s book Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday…
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Afropolitan Projects and Diasporic Cultural Politics: Context, Contest, and Connections

Thursday, February 29th Noon | Join us via Zoom In my book, Afropolitan Projects: Redefining Blackness, Sexualities and Culture from Houston to Accra, I examine the diverse cultural and transnational strategies through which Ghanaians position themselves as citizens of the world. The Afropolitan is a politic, identity, and aesthetic that insists on elevating Africa’s place…
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