Category: Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies
White Supremacy, the 2020 Election & the Pacific Northwest
October 21, 2020

White Supremacy, the 2020 Election & the Pacific Northwest All seminars are on Thursdays from 4 -5:30 p.m. PST Free and Open to the Public White supremacy has played an enormous role in the 2020 election: framing debates, stoking fear, and fomenting division. In the election aftermath, we are creating space to come together, analyze…
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Critical Menstruation Studies Workshop Series

EWU Workshop Series: Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies All sessions will begin at 1 p.m. Pacific/4 p.m. Eastern (Note that Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. ends at 2:00 a.m., November 1, 2020). All readings are available online at Palgrave book site: HCMS Seminar Series Flyer
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Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies Releases 2019-2020 Annual Report

Despite a year that ended in a virtual environment, the Women’s and Gender Studies Annual Report is filled with videos, images, and stories of our 2019-2020 academic year. Please click the image below to read the report. This is our last annual report from before we got our sexy new name. We are now Gender,…
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Remembering RBG on the 27th Anniversary of her Supreme Court Appointment
October 2, 2020

On October 4, 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the United States Supreme Court. We’ve curated some resources to help you learn a bit more about her life and legacy. On this day in 1993: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Swearing In Ceremony (from CSPAN) (19 minutes) Short Watch: Notorious RBG: The Supreme Court Justice Turned…
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Contemporary Issues in Feminist Research: Fall 2020

The EWU Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies presents for Fall 2020 Contemporary Issues in Feminist Research, featuring faculty and staff presenting research in their disciplines from a feminist perspective. Fall 2020 Flyer Refugee Community Partnership Model: a commitment to building community Tuesday, Oct. 20 Noon to 12:50 pm Virtual Attendance HERE via Zoom …
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Virtual Welcome Event

Virtual Welcome Event Tuesday, Oct. 6 1:00 – 2:00 pm Virtual Attendance HERE via Zoom Please join the GWSS faculty and staff as we welcome our majors, minors, the Scary Feminists and Planned Parenthood Generation Action back to school. Although we are virtual this year, we can still actively build community. We hope to see you there!
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EWU Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies Program Announces New Name and Major
September 23, 2020

As part of Eastern Washington University’s commitment to address ever-changing regional, national and global environments, the university is thrilled to announce a new name and major for a popular interdisciplinary program that fosters activism, leadership and feminist analysis. The new program name and major – Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) – comes after an…
[Read more]COVID, Structural Change, and EWU’s Future – Inlander Column
September 18, 2020

Judy Rohrer, PhD reminds us in an Inlander commentary, “There are no shortcuts to fundamental structural change, no shortcuts to ending oppressive systems, no shortcuts to holding life as precious.”
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Professor Judy Rohrer’s “White Supremacy is the Deeper Virus”

Judy Rohrer, PhD reminds us, “Before we act as accomplices, we need to listen. And I mean really listen hard, especially to young leaders of color.”
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COVID-19 Reveals Viral Discrimination, Higher Ed Should Pay Attention
May 28, 2020

An article by our director, Judy Rohrer, PhD, titled “COVID-19 Reveals Viral Discrimination, Higher Ed Should Pay Attention” was published by “Diverse Issues in Higher Education” this week. Rohrer writes, “People are still saying “the virus doesn’t discriminate,” in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. We are not equally “all in this together.” The…
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