Category: Honors
Poem by Reanna Guerrero

2 inches between us staring into your Brown and white seas The two passageways so vivid A voice tells me to jump in, but I am scared I slip my life jacket on To make sure I keep safe, But- it doesn’t help because The waves swallow me into the depths of your seas How…
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Killin Scholars – AY2020-2021

Each year the EWU Honors Program selects three outstanding applicants to receive one of Eastern’s most prestigious scholarships, the Orland and Bernice Killin Scholarship. In selecting our Killin Scholars, who receive full in-state tuition for four years, we consider demonstrated intellectual engagement and curiosity, demonstrated commitment to community, resilience (including persistence in the face of…
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Killin Scholars – AY2019-2020

Each year the EWU Honors Program selects three outstanding applicants to receive one of Eastern’s most prestigious scholarships, the Orland and Bernice Killin Scholarship. In selecting our Killin Scholars, who receive full in-state tuition for four years, we consider demonstrated intellectual engagement and curiosity, demonstrated commitment to community, resilience (including persistence in the face of…
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EWU Faculty Perspectives

EWU Faculty Perspectives By Kasey Hermens, April 2021 The year of 2020 was defined by the COVID-19 virus, Zoom meetings, and masking up. Many conversations were centered on the student experience, and rightfully so, but there wasn’t much chatter about the impact on faculty members, as they zigged and zagged through the labyrinth of adaptation…
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Home Literacy Kit

Breanna Guzman Summary When finding the perfect project to carry out, I came to the conclusion that my focus should be around intervention of speech and language disorders for younger children. Younger children and speech related disorders have been an interest of mine since the beginning of this program. After some discussion, I decided to…
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John Stuart Mill and Proportional Representation

Katie Gower Abstract In his analysis of representative democracy and its demerits, English philosopher and economist John Stuart Mill proposes a solution to address the political inequality that often proliferates in representative systems. Mill argues for proportional representation, a type of representation encompassing multiple methods that ensure minority groups are represented. Through his political and…
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Honors Summer Institute on Diversity, Inclusion and the Holocaust

Honors Student, Hope Sands, travelled to the Netherlands this past summer for an intensive two and a half week long institute on Diversity, Inclusion and the Holocaust. The program focused on finding solutions to persisting problems today, but learning from examples in the past. Joined by 21 other Honors students from across the US and…
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