
NEW Leadership™ is a program developed by the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, to educate, empower, and encourage college women to become politically active and to take on leadership roles. We are thrilled that Eastern Washington University’s Women’s and Gender Education Center and Women’s and Gender Studies Program have been selected to host a one-day intensive NEW Leadership™ institute on May 31, 2019 at Eastern Washington University.
During the non-partisan program, students will meet women leaders, learn about women in American politics, and develop and practice leadership skills through panel discussions, workshops, and hands-on projects. After the institute, participants are encouraged to continue to develop their leadership skills. NEW Leadership™ alumnae will be invited to return to EWU’s Women’s and Gender Education Center for special events and programs.
There is no cost to Students! NEW Leadership™ is supported by a grant from The Women’s Funding Alliance that covers program costs. Food and all materials are provided.
NEW Leadership™ institute is open to women students enrolled at Eastern Washington University for the 2018-2019 academic year. Applicants are required to provide contact information for a faculty or staff member who will recommend them as institute participants. EWU’s Women’s and Gender Education Center and Women’s and Gender Studies Program are committed to including women from diverse socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds in the NEW Leadership™ program. We strongly encourage women of color, nontraditional college women, and students majoring in any field to apply.
NEW Leadership™ participants are expected to attend all institute sessions. Accepted students must confirm their intention to attend and agree to these requirements.
Please contact Lisa Logan at llogan83@ewu.edu or 509.359.2898 for more information.