Tag: English
English Faculty Publication: Instructor and Librarian Collaboration – Kathy Rowley
May 8, 2023 by Jazmine Jackson

Senior Lecturer Kathy Rowley co-published the article Flip This Class: Maximizing Student Learning in Information Literacy Skills in the Composition Classroom Through Instructor and Librarian Collaboration with Justin Otto and Qing Stellwagen in the Journal of Library Administration in August 2022. The following is an abstract of the article: “Library research instruction is most effective in First-Year Writing…
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English Faculty Publications 2019-2020
July 18, 2020

Reagan Henderson “Make me Care!: Creating Digital Narratives in the Composition Classroom” an essay in Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies Christopher Howell “The Persona Poem,” workshop given at Litfuse on September 29th The Grief of a Happy Life published by University of Washington Press Jonathan Johnson The Desk on the Sea published by Wayne State University Press…
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Pencils Down Virtual Symposium: June 18, 2020
June 15, 2020 by Sam Buzby

Student Symposium: “Pencils Down: Confronting Hate with, and in, the Humanities” Event Date and Time: June 18, 2020, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Event Address: Online Even in times of enormous social need, the Humanities too frequently take their responsibilities to confront hatred and iniquity in society, along with their potential to address social justice,…
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RTC Master’s Alumna Publishes Article
April 14, 2020

EWU Rhetoric & Technical Communication alumna Raquel DeLeon (formerly Dean) recently published her article “User Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Latinos with the Frontier Behavioral Health Website,” in Xchanges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum. DeLeon shows in her article that technical communication and advocacy are not mutually exclusive endeavors. DeLeon’s…
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MFA Alumna Finds Career as Employment Specialist
April 2, 2020

Eastern Washington University alumna Maura Lammers finds a career after getting her MFA in Nonfiction and achieving publication in The New York Times and The Masters Review Eastern Washington University alumni Maura Lammers has had her fair share of successes and learning moments in her life. She comes from a diverse professional background and has…
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CALE 2018 Awards Ceremony

Frances B. Huston Award Winners Every year seven students are chosen by each of CALE’s seven departments as the recipients of the Frances B. Huston Medallion. The Frances B. Huston Award is awarded to graduating seniors who have achieved academic excellence (3.75 or higher GPA) and have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities at Eastern and/or in…
[Read more]Get Lit! Programs Celebrated 20 Years

Get Lit! Programs celebrated an impressive milestone this April: this year’s festival marked the program’s 20th anniversary, and it was a week to remember! The festival kicked off with a ’90s-themed reading and the release of a 20th-anniversary anthology. The anthology featured work from many of the fantastic writers who have taken part in the…
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