Tag: political science
Freedom of Speech: The Palestine Exception

The Teach-In “Freedom of Speech: The Palestine Exception” features three powerful voices on the frontline of struggles to reclaim freedom of speech across US campuses: Natasha Lennard is a columnist at The Intercept. She is the associate director of the Creative Publishing & Critical Journalism program at the New School for Social Research in New York,…
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Freedom or Fascism

Speech Acts in the Age of Normalized Violence: Understanding truth and meaning-making in the fight for social justice Hosted Thursday, Feb 13th, 2020 | 12-2pm -| HAR 201 Natasha Lennard is a journalist and essayist. She is a columnist for The Intercept, editor for the Commune Magazine, and her work has appeared regularly in The…
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Washington State Attorney General to Speak at EWU

Washington State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, will speak at EWU on current legal issues facing the state and the country. Bob Ferguson is Washington State’s 18th Attorney General. As the state’s chief legal officer, Bob is committed to protecting the people of Washington against powerful interests that don’t play by the rules. He is a…
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