Tag: Rhetoric and Technical Communication
English Student Spotlight: Raghda Al Hmeyrat
May 29, 2020 by Sam Buzby

Student Spotlight: Raghda Al Hmeyrat M.A. Rhetoric and Technical Communication Raghda Al Hmeyrat is a graduate student in the MA in English with Emphasis in Rhetoric and Technical Communication Program. She graduates in June 2020. Do you have any exciting projects that you are currently working on or past projects that you want to highlight…
[Read more]RTC Master’s Alumna Publishes Article
April 14, 2020

EWU Rhetoric & Technical Communication alumna Raquel DeLeon (formerly Dean) recently published her article “User Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Latinos with the Frontier Behavioral Health Website,” in Xchanges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum. DeLeon shows in her article that technical communication and advocacy are not mutually exclusive endeavors. DeLeon’s…
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