Tag: WGS News
EWU’s AA NH/PI Heritage Month Features Works by Margaret Albaugh in WAGE Center

KXLY’s Peter Choi recently reported on the “Hidden in Plain Sight” exhibit.
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GWSS and WAGE Center Annual Reports

Here is our collection of Annual Reports from 2018 to 2021.
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GWSS Director, Judy Rohrer, PhD explores the troubling history and the troubled future of the Boy Scouts

In the recent article, published in the Journal of Gender Studies, Dr. Rohrer exposes the ways in which the bankrupt Boy Scouts of American “has been broadly bankrupt from the beginning.”
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Are we Ready to Emerge from COVID-19 by Judy Rohrer

In this piece, our director, Dr. Judy Rohrer, reminds us “we would do well now to slow down, take stock of the luggage we are carrying and the carcasses we are still dragging.” Cover image by: NurseTogether, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
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GWSS Faculty, Students and Staff Win Numerous Awards

We are always proud of all of our faculty, students and staff. This year, we are thrilled that so many of them have been recognized for their incredible work. Dr. Jessi Willis won the College of Social Sciences Teaching Excellence Award for their enthusiasm and innovation in the teaching and/or learning process, their ability to…
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“White people: Let’s listen and ‘not turn away'” by Judy Rohrer
May 5, 2021 by Will Hall

Our Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies director, Judy Rohrer, PhD encourages white people “to stop, to really listen, to not turn away, to directly confront the violence and trauma of White supremacy” in this recent article published in the Inlander.
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Black Lives and Movements Matter: Black History Month Graphic Design Contest Winners

An Innovative Collaboration Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) and the Women’s and Gender Education (WAGE) Center were pleased to collaborate with Visual Communication Design faculty Sonja Durr, MFA to host the Black Lives and Movements Matter: Black History Month graphic design contest in her Visual Communication Design 3 – Design for Social Change students.…
[Read more]GWSS Director Contributes to Guest Opinion with Community Partners

Katie Horvath, the executive director of the Spectrum LGBTQ+ Center, Judy Rohrer, the director of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies at EWU, and Naghmana Sherazi, a board member of the Peace & Justice Action League of Spokane worked together on this Guest Opinion for the Spokesman-Review. They remind readers that 52 community partners in and…
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EWU Faculty Share Insights on Critical Race Theory and White Privilege
November 3, 2020

From the Inlander Article: Dr. Judy Rohrer, director of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies at Eastern Washington University, provides context for Trump’s moves: “By mobilizing colorblind ideology, these attacks turn civil rights arguments on their heads,” she writes in an emailed statement. “In short form, they argue that discussing and/or dismantling racism and sexism is…
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Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies Releases 2019-2020 Annual Report

Despite a year that ended in a virtual environment, the Women’s and Gender Studies Annual Report is filled with videos, images, and stories of our 2019-2020 academic year. Please click the image below to read the report. This is our last annual report from before we got our sexy new name. We are now Gender,…
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