Tag: WGS News
Remembering RBG on the 27th Anniversary of her Supreme Court Appointment
October 2, 2020

On October 4, 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the United States Supreme Court. We’ve curated some resources to help you learn a bit more about her life and legacy. On this day in 1993: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Swearing In Ceremony (from CSPAN) (19 minutes) Short Watch: Notorious RBG: The Supreme Court Justice Turned…
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EWU Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies Program Announces New Name and Major
September 23, 2020

As part of Eastern Washington University’s commitment to address ever-changing regional, national and global environments, the university is thrilled to announce a new name and major for a popular interdisciplinary program that fosters activism, leadership and feminist analysis. The new program name and major – Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies (GWSS) – comes after an…
[Read more]COVID, Structural Change, and EWU’s Future – Inlander Column
September 18, 2020

Judy Rohrer, PhD reminds us in an Inlander commentary, “There are no shortcuts to fundamental structural change, no shortcuts to ending oppressive systems, no shortcuts to holding life as precious.”
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Professor Judy Rohrer’s “White Supremacy is the Deeper Virus”

Judy Rohrer, PhD reminds us, “Before we act as accomplices, we need to listen. And I mean really listen hard, especially to young leaders of color.”
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COVID-19 Reveals Viral Discrimination, Higher Ed Should Pay Attention
May 28, 2020

An article by our director, Judy Rohrer, PhD, titled “COVID-19 Reveals Viral Discrimination, Higher Ed Should Pay Attention” was published by “Diverse Issues in Higher Education” this week. Rohrer writes, “People are still saying “the virus doesn’t discriminate,” in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. We are not equally “all in this together.” The…
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Dr. Judy Rohrer’s “Eres Mi Otro Yo: Storytelling from the Borderlands” published by Rutgers
May 18, 2020

Eres Mi Otro Yo: Storytelling from the Borderlands by Judy Rohrer I want to tell a story about recognition, misrecognition, identification, disidentification. I want to tell a story about “them,” that I am increasingly realizing is a story about me, about us. I want to tell a story about experience, genealogy, memory – a story…
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WAGE Center and Work Study Students Create Intersectional Responses to COVID-19 Website
May 4, 2020

Our WAGE Center work-study students have spent some time over the last couple of weeks creating this website of intersectional readings, resources, and videos related to COVID-19. If you have ideas or suggestions to add, please reach out to llogan83@ewu.edu.
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Judy Rohrer’s “The virus does discriminate” Featured in the Spokesman-Review
April 21, 2020

People are still saying “the virus doesn’t discriminate,” but we know that’s not true. The virus is hitting vulnerable populations the hardest – our elderly, those with underlying health conditions, unhoused people, Natives, Black and Brown communities and especially those living at any of these intersections. These are the same folks disproportionately trapped in prisons,…
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EWU Professor’s Book Finds Admirers in an Unexpected Place
February 18, 2020

Like many university professors, EWU’s Mimi Marinucci uses her own book in one of the classes she teaches. But she never imagined that a former student would help her promote her work to readers half-way around the world. Marinucci is a professor of philosophy and women’s and gender studies at Eastern. In her Queer Theory…
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KREM Features AiR
February 14, 2020

Casey Decker of KREM visited Women’s and Gender Studies to interview 2020 Activist in Residence, Lili Navarrete and WAGE Center Manager, Lisa Logan about the program and Lili’s goal to educate EWU students about immigration activism.
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