Public Information


Following Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) recommendations, Eastern Washington University Planning Faculty developed an Urban Planning Programs Student Achievement Assessment Plan. Part of this plan implements annual direct, integrative evaluations of graduating students’ performance. All planning faculty jointly participate in this assessment. This rubric, consisting of the following categories, constitutes faculty assessment of students’ capabilities at the end of their course of study, as evidenced by demonstrated performance in core planning courses and capstone activities. For graduate students, this is their performance (both oral and written) in their Capstone studio course as well as on their thesis-equivalent research report, the oral defense of that product and their performance on a comprehensive oral examination which covers material from the core curriculum. The assessment categories are given below, based on the faulty judgment of the student’s grasp of the topic and their capability to apply it in an entry-level planning position.

Very GoodStudent exceed basic capabilities needed to perform well in an entry level planning position.
GoodStudent possess basic capabilities needed to perform well in an entry level planning position.
FairStudent understands basics of the material but may not be able to function independently without further mentoring in an entry level planning position.
PoorStudent demonstrates gaps in basics of the material any will not be able to function independently in an entry level planning position without further mentoring.
Very PoorStudent demonstrates serious gaps in basics of the material will likely not succeed in an entry level planning position without extensive mentoring.

Undergraduate Report

Eastern Washington University takes pride in our applied focus in urban and regional planning. This report also documents student achievement and provides public information on our Masters in Urban and Regional Planning.

The table below shows the results of the faculty evaluation of student learning success for the Bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning Class of 2024.

Very PoorPoorFairGoodVery GoodNo Opinion
A1 General Knowledge0%0%7.7%38.5%38.5%15.4%
A2 Planning Skills0%0%11.5%34.6%34.6%19.2%
A3 Values & Ethics0%5%7.7%38.5%34.6%19.2%

2024-2025 Tuition & Fees

  • In-State Residents, per full-time academic year: $9,384
  • Out-of-State Residents, per full-time academic year: $26,757

Student Retention Rate

  • Percentage of students who began in Fall 2023 and continued into Fall 2024: 50%

Student Graduation Rate

  • Percentage of students graduating within 6 years, entering 2018-2019 Academic Year (for accredited undergrad): 64%

Number of Degrees Awarded

  • Number of degrees awarded  for 2023-2024 Academic Year: 6

AICP Certification

  • Percentage of bachelor’s graduates taking the AICP exam within five years who pass, graduating class of 2018 (for accredited undergrad): 0%


  • Percentage of all graduates obtaining professional planning, planning-related, or other positions within 12 months of graduation, graduating class of 2023: 87.5%

Graduate Report

Eastern Washington University takes pride in our applied focus in urban and regional planning. This report documents student achievement and provides public information on our Masters in Urban and Regional Planning.

The table below shows the results of the faculty evaluation of student learning success for the MURP.

Very PoorPoorFairGoodVery GoodNo Opinion
A1 General Knowledge0%0%0%20.8%66.7%12.5%
A2 Planning Skills0%8.3%12.5%16.7%45.8%16.7%
A3 Values & Ethics0%0%4.2%16.7%62.5%16.7%

2024-2025 Tuition & Fees

  • In State Residents, per full-time academic year: $14,601
  • Out-of-State Residents, per full-time academic year: $29,964

Student Retention Rate

  • Percentage of students who began in Fall 2023 and continued into Fall 2024: 100%

Student Graduation Rate

  • Percentage of students graduating within 4 years, entering class of 2020: 69%

Number of Degrees Awarded

  • Number of degrees awarded for 2023-2024 Academic Year: 9

AICP Certification

  • Percentage of master’s graduates taking the AICP exam within three years who pass, graduating class of 2021: 100%


  • Percentage of all graduates obtaining professional planning, planning-related, or other positions within 12 months of graduation, graduating class of 2023: 100%