Seth Marlin

MFA Alumni Bio

Seth Marlin bio feature

Seth Marlin is a former Web Editor of Willow Springs, and received his MFA in Fiction from Eastern in 2013. He is the author of Shred, a chapbook of poetry, and his stories and verse have appeared in SparkKnockoutBetwixtA cappella Zoo, and Silk Road Review, among others. He is the winner of University of Glasgow’s 2016 prize for Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities, and he is a former Spokane Poetry Slam Grand Champion, and in 2015 represented the Lilac City along with a team of poets at the National Poetry Slam Championships in Oakland, CA. He makes his home in Spokane, with his wife and son.

Here is what Seth had to say about his experience in the program:

“The decision to pursue a creative writing degree is ultimately a decision to invest: in one’s craft, in oneself as an artist. Part of that means investing wisely, through internships and through submitting work, but it’s also a matter of set and setting. The places and people you surround yourself with are a huge part of helping you shape your own creative identity, and what I found at EWU helped me find that for myself. The workshops carried a strong focus on practical theory, and the voices that the program selected helped ensure a broad range of thoughtful and constructive feedback. Not only that, but the city of Spokane is an incredible place for the arts right now. Whether you’re into music, or visual arts, or slam poetry, there are things going on here that you simply won’t find anywhere else. It’s part of why I chose to make this city my home – we’re on the ground floor of something amazing right now, and I’m incredibly grateful to be part of it.”