German Week 2019 – Wunderbar Together: The Women of Bauhaus
Bauhaus Exhibition in the JFK Library. Included pieces written by German students and artwork created and curated by students in the Art Department.
Bauhaus Exhibition in the JFK Library. Included pieces were written by German students and artwork created and curated by students in the Art Department.
Wunderbar together
Collect of student work for the Bauhaus art competition from EWU students.
For the second time in the past two years, the German program at EWU was awarded a grant from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to hold events on campus in conjunction with the Embassy’s Wunderbar together campaign celebrating the German American friendship.
The EWU German program and the Art Department collaborated this past fall on a series of student-centered events from Nov. 4-8 celebrating and discussing 100 years of Bauhaus design.
We explored the lives of the women of Bauhaus. Students from the Art department curated an exceptional and very well-received exhibition on the women of Bauhaus featuring photographs and artifacts along with texts written by EWU art students and German students. Other activities included an art competition with Bauhaus-inspired art that drew many wonderful entries from our students on campus.
Maddison Jones with Sally Winkle accepting her first-place award for the Bauhaus art competition.
Catherine Girard from Art History and German program coordinator Jody Stewart-Strobelt gave a talk at the Women’s and Gender Studies Education Center on Gender at the Bauhaus. A panel discussion with art professors and community experts on Bauhaus was held, and the German club with generous support from the School of Global Learning sponsored a delicious and delightful coffee talk that drew many visitors eager to learn more about the Women of Bauhaus.