CAHSS Student Ambassador – College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Thu, 08 Jun 2023 18:14:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CAHSS Student Ambassador Organizes Community Outreach Events with Spokane Police Thu, 08 Jun 2023 18:14:24 +0000 CAHSS Student Ambassador, Tayla Tollefson, was seen Tuesday, May 30th at the Downtown Spokane Starbucks with Spokane Police Officers as...]]>

CAHSS Student Ambassador, Tayla Tollefson, was seen Tuesday, May 30th at the Downtown Spokane Starbucks with Spokane Police Officers as part of the “Coffee With A Cop” get-together that she arranged as part of her five-part program called ‘Cops and Communities.’

Tayla talked with KHQ about how most citizens engage with officers during high-intensity crisis situations and she “wanted to provide citizens with the opportunities to engage with officers in more of a positive environment”

This event is just one piece of Tayla’s ‘Cops & Communities’ plan – additional events include connecting with elderly communities, summertime fun, sporting events and competitions and ‘Cops and Kids.’

“Cops would get together with children and play some games, get to know them, and talk to them about the importance of being an officer,” – Tayla

Tollefson’s next event is another Coffee With A Cop at the Starbucks at 37th and Grand Ave. on the South Hill on July 14.

To see the full story, head to KHQ
