Explore Your Future: Careers, Majors, and More

Find Your Path

Your career journey is as unique as you are. This page offers tools and insights to help you explore your interests, connect your studies to meaningful work, and plan for the next stage—whether that’s a career or further education.

Discover What Drives You

As you work to meet general education requirements, take the opportunity to take classes that interest you.

Courses are more than just credits – they are opportunities to explore topics you are passionate about. Whether it’s an introduction to art, a business elective, or a coding class, exploring your interests through coursework can reveal hidden talents and passions.

“Getting involved” is one of the keys to your success!

The more experiences you have, the easier this decision is going to be. If you think you may like working with kids, apply to volunteer with an organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters or a youth program at the YMCA, or maybe a local elementary school. Volunteer. Join a club or organization.

You don’t have to be sure of anything…just start trying stuff out!

Sometimes you can discover a major or career just by reflecting on your current interests or activities.

For example, do you enjoy event planning for your sorority or fraternity? Are you good at it? Pay attention to the things you’re already engaged in and think about careers that utilize those skills and talents.

Plus there are many clubs and orgs on campus that you can join that revolve around hobbies – build your network, ask people in those groups about their major, and see what options there are out there!

Career assessments can help you understand your interests, strengths, and personality in a deeper way. Understanding these qualities can often help students generate ideas about majors and careers. See our career assessments page.

However, career assessments are not a cure-all. No career assessment will tell you what you should do. 

The most important thing about taking any career assessment is to answer the questions as you know you are, not as you think you should be. To get reliable and valid results, answering honestly and authentically is essential.

Not sure what the results mean? Want to discuss things with someone who isn’t your parents?
Make an appointment with a Career Advisor!


If you are unsure about a major or career path, make an appointment with a Career Advisor!

Ask yourself some of these key questions:

What do people who know me well tell me I’d be good at?

Do I have a preference for activities that relate to working with people, things or data?

Do I enjoy creative or artistic activities, if so, what?

Do I prefer to lead others, or do I prefer to follow?

What academic subjects do I seem to be the most drawn to and why?

Do I want a career where I’m working outdoors or indoors?

Do I want a job where I may have opportunities to travel abroad?

The more “direct experience” you can get the better. If you’re thinking about being a veterinarian, you need to spend time volunteering or working with animals, and you need to spend time with veterinarians; doing informational interviews and job shadowing are powerful ways to get “real world” experience.

Consider doing an informational interview with someone in the career/major you are looking in to.

Not sure what to Major in?
Feeling uncertain about your current Major?
Still figuring out what sparks your curiosity? 

If you feel like you don’t really know what you’re interested in or good at, you aren’t alone. Many people have this problem.

We suggest exploring possible interests by engaging in some or all of the following:

Professional Assessments

Professional Assessments cost a nominal fee and require you to meet with a Career Advisor to go over your results.

Strong Interest Inventory®

“The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It has helped both academic and business organizations develop the brightest talent and has guided thousands of individuals-from high school and college students to midcareer workers seeking a change in their search for a rich and fulfilling career.”

Explore Your Potential with Self-Assessments

FOCUS 2 CAREER is a platform to help you discover and plan your education, major, and career goals. After creating an account, you will have the option to complete multiple assessments. Many students start at the top and work their way down. You will have the option to combine your assessments for a more complete look at your results.

New users:

  • Register – On the registration form, use your Eagle’s Email and use the Access Code: eagle.

Returning users:

We recommend you meet with a Career Advisor to discuss your results and to further investigate your major or career interests.

“Get a description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.”

“Our personality types are based on five independent spectrums, with all letters in the type code (e.g. INFJ-A) referring to one of the two sides of the corresponding spectrum. You can see where you fall on each scale by completing our free personality assessment, NERIS Type Explorer®. This approach has allowed us to achieve high test accuracy while also retaining the ability to define and describe distinct personality types.”


The My Next Move O*Net Interest Profiler can help you find what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. Find out what you like to do and possibly decide what kinds of careers you might want to explore.

Remember to focus on what you like or dislike – don’t worry about if you have enough education or training or how much money you would make/need to make.

Make sure to take your time to answer the questions – you are learning about your interests so that you can explore work that you might like and find rewarding!


Once you complete the profiler, consider using O*Net’s Browse by Interests feature.

Truity has several free and paid self-assessments to learn about your personality, career interests, strengths, and behavior.


While no career assessment can choose your major or career for you, they can provide you will a lot of great information that you can use to explore options.

There are countless self-assessments available, but these are the ones we trust and recommend. While you are not required to meet with us for interpretation, we highly encourage bringing your results to a one-on-one appointment. Discussing your insights with a trained professional can help you better understand your results and explore options that align with your strengths and goals.

Make an Appointment

What Can I Do With This Major?

Feeling uncertain about your future career path? Want to know more about what you can do with your major?


Access over 106 Major Profiles with Information on:

  • Common Career Paths
  • Types of Employers that Hire in the Field
  • Strategies to Maximize Opportunities
  • Links to Professional Associations
  • Occupational Outlook Information
  • and Job Search Resources

Watch Intro Video

Need Help?
Trying to Choose a Major? Struggling with your Job Search?
Make an appointment with a Career Advisor!

Explore Graduate School

Considering graduate school is a significant step in shaping your academic and professional journey. Whether you are exploring advanced degrees to deepen your expertise, change career paths, or increase your earning potential, careful planning and research are essential.

Meeting with a career advisor can help you clarify your goals, explore programs that align with your aspirations, and navigate the application process with confidence. Schedule an appointment today to gain personalized support and take the next step toward your future.

Make an Appointment