Category: Internship Resources

Virtual Internship Guide for Students

December 26, 2024 by Jazmine Jackson

Virtual Internship Guide for Students

Best Practices While Interning Remotely Finding an internship during the time of social distancing can be a little tricky.  The process for finding one is pretty much the same, and companies are even changing their internship opportunities to say “remote” or “virtual” in their postings, which is great. So now that you have one, here

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Jim Rabideau Internship Stipend

December 19, 2024 by Jazmine Jackson

Jim Rabideau Internship Stipend

If you are looking for an internship in Franklin County this Summer, the Jim Rabideau Scholarship can provide 1-2 students with a $2,500 stipend. Students applying for the stipend must meet the following criteria: Have Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing. Interested in pursuing a career in public service in city government. Have a cumulative grade

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Krumble Internship Stipend

by Jazmine Jackson

Krumble Internship Stipend

The Krumble Internship Stipend is an opportunity meant to alleviate any financial burdens that would prevent a student from pursuing an internship.  We understand the value of an internship and understand the financial constraints a student could have in order to do one.  Whatever challenges you have, whether it be travel fees, lodging costs, or

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