Jim Rabideau Internship Stipend

Stipends to students interning in city government in the Tri-Cities

December 19, 2024 By Jazmine Jackson

If you are looking for an internship in Franklin County this Summer, the Jim Rabideau Scholarship can provide 1-2 students with a $2,500 stipend. Students applying for the stipend must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
  2. Interested in pursuing a career in public service in city government.
  3. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.7 or higher.
  4. Attending full-time at Eastern Washington University during the 2024-2025 academic year.
  5. Willing to intern in Franklin County, WA

Apply by 5:00pm on Friday, June 13th, 2025

In order to apply for the stipend, the following materials must be submitted. We will conduct an application review and select one recipient, who will be contacted by Friday, June 20, 2025. Students must turn in the following documents in order to be eligible:

  1. The signed application form – Click Here.
  2. A one-to-two-page essay outlining your career interest and how this internship will assist you in the pursuit of your goal.
  3. Include your desired department in your essay, and why you would like to intern there. You can find potential internship opportunities below.

Please Email Application Materials To:
Romeal Watson
Associate Director: Employer Relations
EWU Career Center
PUB 332

Application Here


Potential Internship Sites

Consider contacting the following organizations in the Tri-Cities area (Franklin County, WA)

City of Pasco.
This would be for any city offices, ie Planning, Police, Finance, Clerk, Fire etc.

Franklin County Commissioners,
This would be for Planning, HR, Public Works, ie engineering, contract administration etc.

County Auditor
For students interested in voting registration, licensing of various functions, accounting and finance.

County Clerk
This is court administration, records, filing court proceedings

County Assessor
This has outside work in appraising properties, surveying, calculating land values for tax calculating

County Treasurer
Work on calculating taxes, collecting taxes, identifying taxpayers, doing foreclosures

County Sheriff
Law enforcement, serving process/jury summons, runs jail.  Students in criminal justice etc. would be appropriate here.

County Prosecuting Attorney
Pre law students would be good here, as well as other counseling types, and criminal justice students.

County Coroner
Pre-med, pre-dental, biology students.