Professional Etiquette

Understanding Professionalism

Professionalism is more than just presenting yourself well—it’s about earning trust and respect. Whether you’re navigating the workplace or building new connections, maintaining professionalism is key.

Below are some essential tips to help you stay polished in any professional setting.

Small Talk

In professional settings, avoid discussing sensitive topics like politics or religion. Be cautious with personal questions, such as “Do you have kids?” For more small talk tips, visit our networking page.


In the U.S., a handshake is a standard greeting in professional situations. Maintain firm, but not crushing, handshakes—no “fish hand” or sweaty palms. Align web-to-web and give one or two solid shakes while introducing yourself with a greeting like, “Hi, my name is…”

Your Online Presence

Be mindful of how your online presence is perceived. Posts, comments, and shared content shape how others view you, including potential employers. Avoid sharing personal opinions or trivial details that could be misinterpreted.

  • Set your social media privacy settings to private, but remember anything online could be seen by anyone.
  • Use LinkedIn for professional networking, not platforms like Twitter or Snapchat.
  • Google yourself regularly to see what employers might find.

Lunch Meetings & Interviews

  • Place your napkin on your lap immediately when seated.
  • Start with the outermost utensils and work your way in for each course.
  • Avoid messy foods like spaghetti, and never order the most expensive item.
  • Wait until everyone is served before eating, and treat waitstaff respectfully.
  • Do not order alcohol during an interview.

Alcohol & Substances

  • Alcohol: At company events, drink responsibly and avoid overindulgence.
    • Never order alcohol during an interview.
    • Once employed, stick to one drink and avoid trying new drinks.
  • Marijuana: Be aware of your employer’s stance on marijuana use.
    • Some industries prohibit its use, even in states where it’s legal.
    • Always follow company policies and avoid anything that could impair judgment or motor skills.

Professional Email Etiquette

Emails are essential for professional communication, but can be easily misinterpreted.

  • Always use a clear subject line and professional language.
  • Avoid abbreviations and emojis, and always check for grammar and spelling errors.
  • Respond within 24-48 hours, and acknowledge emails if more time is needed.
  • Use standard fonts and formatting, and avoid “reply all” unless necessary.
  • Ensure attachments are correct and appropriately sized.

RSVPs & Cancellations

Always respond to invitations, even if you can’t attend. If you accept an invite, make sure to follow through. If you need to cancel, communicate promptly and professionally.

Dress for the Situation

Dress according to the professional environment and occasion. When in doubt, opt for a more professional look. For examples of business attire, visit our  Pinterest page.

If you ever find yourself unsure about handling a professional situation, reach out to a Career Advisor or Make an Appointment.

Professional Etiquette

Understanding Professionalism

Professionalism is more than just presenting yourself well—it’s about earning trust and respect. Whether you’re navigating the workplace or building new connections, maintaining professionalism is key.

Below are some basic tips to keep your professionalism on point.

Professional etiquette is about presenting yourself with polish and professionalism that demonstrates you can be trusted and taken seriously.