Best Practices While Interning Remotely
Finding an internship during the time of social distancing can be a little tricky. The process for finding one is pretty much the same, and companies are even changing their internship opportunities to say “remote” or “virtual” in their postings, which is great.
So now that you have one, here are some adjustment strategies that would help you navigate the experience a little smoother:
Set a Schedule and Stick with It
Set a work schedule for your internship and commit to it. This allows your site supervisor to know when to expect your work. A schedule will also help you balance the demands of school and your internship, without sacrificing sleep or personal time.
Use a task list
Write down what you need to accomplish before you start working for the day, then refer back to your list often as you get things done.
Limit Distractions
Working remotely means dealing with a lot of distractions, especially from social media. If you allow yourself to be sidetracked by your friends’ photos, instant messages, online games, and interesting news articles, it will take you twice as long to finish your tasks.
Check-In with Your Supervisor Regularly
Internships are unique because they are designed to help students learn and grow, as well as network with people in their desired field. Interns should be in continual communication with their employers.
Stay in a Professional Mindset
Certainly, the perk of a remote internship is working in your pajamas, but try not to get too comfortable. Sometimes that extra flexibility can take you off your A-game.
Take breaks
If you’ve never worked remotely, you may find yourself getting sucked into a project and working for long stretches without a break.
Consider a change of scenery
You may also find that working in the same room (especially your bedroom) all day is making you a bit sluggish, maybe a bit stir crazy. Try different parts of the house.
Other Resources
Virtual Internship Search Websites: