Here to Help

Our academic advisors work with you one-to-one to help you meet your academic goals.


For students seeking to major in any of the programs offered by the College of Health Science and Public Health, appropriate and timely academic advising is critical.

Given the interdependence and sequential nature of courses needed for most of the degree programs in the sciences, planning an academic program is no trivial task. Students are strongly encouraged to seek advice from an academic advisor throughout the course of their study at Eastern.

There are currently two different tiers of advisors, within the College of Health Sciences and Public Health, who are available to assist students:

Undergraduate Advisors Department / Program Advisors

Undergraduate Advisors

Students must seek advising from a student success advisor in the Center for Academic Advising & Retention (CAAR). Students will stay with their CAAR advisor until they are ready to transition to a faculty or departmental advisor. CAAR also provides advising for pre-nursing students; for more information, students may visit the Pre-Nursing Blog or email

Schedule an Appointment

Department / Program Advisors

Students who have chosen or declared a major may be assigned an advisor from the department that offers the program. Typically this advisor is either a department staff or faculty member—someone who knows both the academic program and individual courses firsthand. This type of advisor is in the best position to give students advice on their choice of elective courses, senior projects, and how courses may be tied to specific careers within the discipline.

Undergraduate students who are ready to declare a major should contact their CAAR student success advisor for more information about completing the major declaration process. Graduate students should meet with the appropriate college advisor listed below.

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Douglas Stephens
Program Coordinator

Occupational Therapy (Grad Program only)

Lee Knous
Secretary Senior

Healthcare Administration & Master of Public Health Programs

Shayla Clark
Program Specialist

Dental Hygiene

Kasey Clark 
Program Specialist 2

Physical Therapy (Grad Program only)

Angela Merlo
Director of Admissions

Regional Initiatives in Dental Education (RIDE) Program

Art DiMarco, DMD

Wellness and Movement Sciences (WAMS)

Chadron Hazelbaker
Graduate Program Director