Wellness & Movement Sciences – College of Health Science & Public Health https://www.ewu.edu/chsph Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:17:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 EWU Student Wins Award at 2024 National Homebrew Competition https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/ewu-student-wins-award-at-2024-national-homebrew-competition/ Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:16:47 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=85742 National Homebrew Competition - Dave Robinson, Gold medal Winter 2024 with and ewu logoSpokane, WA • 10/17/2024— Dave Robinson from the Spokane’s Recirculating Mashers homebrew club was recognized with a gold medal for his Sahti style beer titled “Nectar of Näkki” by the American Homebrewers Association® (AHA) at the National Homebrew Competition (NHC) awards ceremony in Denver, Colo on Oct. 10. The NHC is the world’s largest amateur...]]> National Homebrew Competition - Dave Robinson, Gold medal Winter 2024 with and ewu logo

Spokane, WA • 10/17/2024— Dave Robinson from the Spokane’s Recirculating Mashers homebrew club was recognized with a gold medal for his Sahti style beer titled “Nectar of Näkki” by the American Homebrewers Association® (AHA) at the National Homebrew Competition (NHC) awards ceremony in Denver, Colo on Oct. 10. The NHC is the world’s largest amateur homebrewing competition that celebrates the most outstanding homemade beer, mead, and cider.

“This year’s winners set the standard for excellence in fermentation,” said Chris Williams, competition director. “Our judges were captivated by a diverse range of flavors and styles. Each year we are impressed by the dedication, innovation, and skill homebrewers bring to this competition. Congratulations to the 2024 winners!”

The 2024 competition received 3,593 entries from 1,179 homebrewers across 47 states, Washington, D.C., and 7 countries. In total, 166,303 entries have been evaluated since the inaugural AHA National Homebrew Competition in 1979 in Boulder, Colo.

“I’ve only been homebrewing for a couple of years now, but my knowledge and skills increased dramatically by going through the Craft Beer Certificate program at Eastern Washington University,” said Dave Robinson. “Chris Cindric was fantastic and got me hooked from the beginning by showing how profound the tradition of brewing beer is, going all the way back to ancient times. I also got opportunities to network and meet so many remarkable people in the craft beer scene in Spokane, and it makes you want to participate in some small way to carry on that tradition.”

A complete list of winners of the 2024 National Homebrew Competition can be found here.

The 2024 AHA National Homebrew Competition was made possible in part by the generous support of its sponsors.

Spokane’s Recirculating Mashers (SRM) is a nonprofit homebrew club fostering a community of brewers in the Eastern Washington area.

CHSPH Newsletter https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/chsph-newsletter/ Fri, 19 Apr 2024 16:46:02 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=85054 Four students in front of their presentation at the scholarly worksCelebration of Scholarly Works The CHSPH Celebration of Scholarly Works took place at the SIERR building in Spokane on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Research posters and scholarly works were on display, where faculty, students and guests had the opportunity to visit and view scholarly works from Communication Sciences and Disorders, Dental Hygiene, Occupational Therapy, Physical...]]> Four students in front of their presentation at the scholarly works

Celebration of Scholarly Works

The CHSPH Celebration of Scholarly Works took place at the SIERR building in Spokane on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Research posters and scholarly works were on display, where faculty, students and guests had the opportunity to visit and view scholarly works from Communication Sciences and Disorders, Dental Hygiene, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Public Health. The event was a great success that provided exciting opportunities for EWU authors, students and guests to share and learn about research and community projects produced from CHSPH.

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Department of Physical Therapy Chair Filmed on Popular Public TV Show

Woman sitting on a chair in a studio
Dr. Kimberly Cleary sits on the set of Sit & Be Fit.

Dr. Kimberly Cleary, chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, served as a physical therapy guest expert on the Sit & Be Fit show. For its more than 37 years on Public Television, Sit & Be Fit, a non-profit organization, has been committed to encouraging healthy aging and improved quality of life for its audience. Dr. Cleary participated in two separate segments on balance training for older adults. The episodes will be featured on KSPS this spring during the new season of the program.

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The Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) National Physical Therapy Conference

Doctor of Physical Therapy student Kyanna Bren stands next to her poster, titled Use of Atigraphy, Subjective Reporting, and Combined Methods to Assess Sleep in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

This year, over 12,000 professionals attended CSM, hosted by the American Physical Therapy Association in Boston. Physical therapy students and faculty contributed to CSM with five poster presentations from the research laboratories of Drs. Cleary, Crooks, and LaPier. All presentations went very smoothly, and most were well attended.

Presenter and second-year physical therapy student, Kyanna Bren, noted that the conference was “a great opportunity to learn from those at the forefront of evidence-based practice in physical therapy.” Bren reported: “I really enjoyed attending the various educational sessions provided, and of course, I also had a blast exploring the conference and city with my cohort! Being able to present my research was an extremely rewarding experience.” Bren’s research identified methods of sleep assessment in people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Bren noted that she “was able to discuss findings with others who are treating and researching this condition.”

Student in front of presentation board.
Doctor of physical therapy student Rachel Park stands next to her poster presentation on sleep apnea at CSM.

Second-year physical therapy student, Rachel Park, presented on the effect of sleep apnea on pain and aerobic outcomes within the cardiac rehabilitation setting. Park noted that her experience attending the conference “was a reminder that the profession is a living, breathing being; presenting research there made me proud to be part of something so much bigger than myself.”

Two faculty members, 24 second-year physical therapy students, and four third-year physical therapy students attended the conference in February.


Physical Therapy Student Receives Fellowship Award

Portrait of PT student
Physical therapy student Katarina Sanchez is pictured following her award.

Third-year physical therapy student Katarina Sanchez was recently awarded a $5,000 fellowship from the Latino Center for Health at the University of Washington. This fellowship, which includes matching funds through the College of Health Science and Public Health, will provide Sanchez with financial support to advance her career goal of promoting the health and wellness of Latinx communities. Sanchez was one of just 13 graduate students in the state to receive the honor. With support from this fellowship, Sanchez hopes to provide pro bono services for Spanish-speaking laborers throughout the state of Washington.

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American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Conference

Three students in front of their presentation
Caption (left to right): Physical therapy students Caden Gatlin, Gerrit VanBeek and Jose Aguilera stand next to their poster at ACSM.

Faculty, staff and students from the Department of Physical Therapy attended the Northwest American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) conference at the University of Idaho in Moscow, last February. Students presented posters from faculty research collaborations related to running performance metrics and activity monitoring within the context of sternal precautions.



Professor and student in front of presentation.
Dr. Joel Sattgast and physical therapy student Brittany Grant pose in front of their poster presentation at ACSM.

Faculty member Dr. Joel Sattgast presented an educational symposium aimed at providing an evidence-informed guide to answering every runner’s most pressing question, “When Can I Run?” With faculty, staff and students from undergraduate and graduate programs across the nation, the conference provided an opportunity for learning, growth, community and connection. Excitement is already building as EWU prepares to host the 2025 Northwest ACSM conference in Cheney.


Adaptive Climbing

Student assisting a participant on the climbing wall.
Physical therapy student Rachel Park and a caregiver assist a participant ascending the wall.

The Department of Physical Therapy teamed up with Wild Walls Climbing Gym in Spokane to host an adaptive rock-climbing program. Athletes of all ages with physical disabilities interested in rock-climbing were encouraged to participate in this program. The program consists of a weekly 90-minute appointment on Thursday afternoons over five consecutive weeks. During the program, second-year physical therapy students, supervised by a licensed physical therapist, complete an evaluation and then work with participants to determine the best adaptive equipment needed to support rock-climbing skills. The team crafts a unique weekly exercise plan to encourage progression of the participant’s strength, flexibility, and climbing technique. Clients who have completed the program report improved overall function and quality of life.


Physical Therapy Legislative Impact Week

This January, EWU physical therapy students attended the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Legislative Impact Week (LIW). During LIW, students, physical therapists, APTA board members and state representatives met to address critical issues within the field of physical therapy. This year, LIW focused on a bill that sought to address the effects of price inflation in private-sector physical therapy by increasing reimbursement for physical therapy services, thereby increasing patient access to physical therapy. The bill’s urgency is especially significant, as physical therapy private practices have seen a 42% increase in cost and 15% decrease in reimbursement, with 33% of clinics operating in the red and 21% of physical therapists leaving the workforce over the last 4 years. Physical therapy students Jacob Hangartner and Conner Moyer described the importance of being involved in LIW to ensure the accessibility of physical therapy services for future patients. An additional opportunity for student involvement in APTA to advocate for the profession, beyond LIW, includes participation in a Student Special Interest Group (SSIG). The SSIG includes a meeting, every third Thursday, at 7 PM PST via Zoom. Students interested in participating should contact EWU APTA Liaison, Dr. Jenny Jordan (jjordan22@ewu.edu).

Physical Therapy Licensure Examination

Out of over 250 accredited physical therapy programs in the United States, EWU’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is one of only four programs nationwide with a 100% first-time pass rate on the national physical therapy licensing exam (NPTE).

Congratulations to the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program for their top nationwide student performance on the NPTE!

Wellness & Movement Sciences (WAMS): New Lifestyle Medicine Degree Offered by EWU

images of people exercising.
This image shows the main pillars of lifestyle medicine.

The Department of Wellness and Movement Sciences is offering a new and exciting Bachelor of Science (BS) in Lifestyle Medicine. The BS in lifestyle medicine allows students to pursue a degree path that looks holistically at health and well-being. Six pillars of health outlined by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) provide the foundation of the lifestyle medicine degree – (1) a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, (2) physical activity, (3) restorative sleep, (4) stress management, (5) avoidance of risky substances, and (6) positive social connections. Students with career goals in public health, health care, and wellness should consider pursuing the BS in lifestyle medicine. This spring quarter, LMED 201: Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine will be offered for any students interested in learning about lifestyle medicine. Please contact program director Chris Cindric, at ccindric@ewu.edu, or view the BS in LMED web page for more information.


Wellness & Movement Sciences (WAMS): Exercise Science Club Attends American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Northwest Conference

Students posing for a group photo
Students and faculty from EWU’s Exercise Science Club pose in front of the exciting announcement of ACSM 2025 being hosted in Cheney/Spokane area.

Eighteen EWU Exercise Science Club student members and four faculty members attended the ACSM Northwest conference this February at the University of Idaho in Moscow. Three students and three faculty showcased their research in either a poster or verbal presentation. In addition, four teams of students (12 total) competed in the student knowledge bowl, a Jeopardy-style game testing sports medicine knowledge. One of EWU’s teams placed fourth out of 20 teams. EWU students and faculty earned positions on the ACSM Northwest Executive Board. At the conference, Dr. Katie Taylor began her tenure as president of the chapter, Dr. Kristyne Wiegand was elected as president-elect, and Yazmean Inman was elected as regional student representative. Finally, it was announced that ACSM Northwest Conference 2025 will be hosted by EWU, which is an exciting opportunity for the EWU’s programs and the institution as a whole.



Eastern Washington Area Health Education Center (EWAHEC) Hosts “On Track Academy”

Student with PPE and chicken breast
A student from On Track Academy prepares to suture a chicken breast while dressed in sterile PPE.

On January 26, Eastern Washington Area Health Education Center (EWAHEC) Scholars Jenna McDonald, Emilie Crawford, and Madison Cloninger hosted an event for high school students at On Track Academy. The day began with a Kahoot game that helped to familiarize students with medical terminology and learn about different healthcare career options. Students then had the opportunity to play with “glow germ,” which showcases the importance of handwashing, by illuminating the germs present on an individual’s hands. Students practiced the process of donning personal protective equipment (PPE), where they learned how to put on the necessary equipment to keep themselves and patients safe from pathogens. While dressed in their gowns, students then got to practice suturing chicken breasts — which many mentioned as their favorite part of the day. After suturing practice, students injected sterile water into the chicken to practice giving injections. EWAHEC hosts events to promote health and wellness in underserved populations, as well as encourage rural students to consider careers in medicine.



Outreach to International Students Teaching New Methods of Research

Two colleagues in a classroom with students
Professor Swope poses with a colleague while in Bali, Indonesia.

Nicholas Swope, professor in public health, recently broadened the learning horizons of psychology students in Bali, Indonesia. Professor Swope discussed traditional qualitative research techniques of interviews and focus groups, then lectured and had students informally try newer methods, including Photovoice. Photovoice originated in public health and participatory research and is designed to spark change. This powerful tool weaves the visual method of photography together with a narrative to give greater context and depth to human experience. Displays of Photovoice at community exhibitions have been successful in raising awareness of various health topics. Students’ excitement was palpable as they viewed various Photovoice projects and informally engaged in the technique. They shared research articles and held lively meaningful discussions surrounding ethics, empowerment of the researchers, and impact of the technique. The exchange successfully motivated students to explore newer innovative methods in qualitative research.


Dental Hygiene Hosts Career Fair

Two individuals speaking with a student
Senior dental hygiene student Simona Mateas speaks with Aspen Dental about their clinic and career opportunities.

In February, senior dental hygiene students participated in a department career fair with local and statewide dental offices. Many of the dental clinics that attended brought alumni of EWU’s dental hygiene program to highlight their practices to the graduating seniors. Students in the dental hygiene program met with potential employers, explored career options and networked with leaders in the field. This was a high-energy, fun and supportive event to connect students with local and statewide career opportunities and clinicians.




EWAHEC CHSPH Students Volunteer at Teddy Bear Clinic

Group of student volunteers with staff
EWU students gather for a group photo during the Teddy Bear Clinic.

On February 10th, the Eastern Washington Area of Health Education Careers (EWAHEC) along with a group of occupational therapy, nursing, dental hygiene, and communication science students came together in partnership with PBS to run a Teddy Bear Clinic for preschool and elementary-aged students. This event provided children with the opportunity to become comfortable with healthcare appointments and allowed them to treat their own “patient” – a teddy bear. Children documented the teddy bear’s condition and learned how to listen for heart rate and respirations using stethoscopes. EWU students in health science disciplines assisted the children in charting, taking note of vital signs, and weighing and measuring their stuffed animals. Children, their families, and the EWU student volunteers reported that the event was a great community learning experience.


Nursing Program Grand Opening

Group of students with faculty in front of building
Students from EWU’s first nursing cohort gather for a photo during the grand opening ceremony.

This year, Eastern Washington University launched its very own Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), welcoming its first cohort of 40 nursing students to the Spokane-based program. The program is housed in the SIERR Building in the University District, near EWU’s other healthcare programs. The BSN program aims to prepare more nursing students for entrance into the field, who can meet diverse healthcare needs and treat patients across the region. EWU’s BSN program strives to provide educational, direct experiences to help cultivate excellence within their discipline, as well as create life-long learners dedicated to providing holistic care for their patients across a variety of healthcare settings. Though the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 application cycle is now closed, prospective nursing students for the Fall 2025 semester should look for the next application cycle to open December 1, 2024.

Occupational Therapy Students Run Pediatric Mock Clinic

Student on floor with a child watching
Occupational therapy student Emily Link engages with a client during her treatment session for the Occupational Therapy Mock Clinic.

During this past spring semester, second-year occupational therapy students treated clients in a mock clinic at Joya Child and Family Development Center. The mock clinic allowed students to apply practical skills they have learned through their coursework, such as conducting an evaluation, planning interventions and managing full therapy sessions. Students collaborated with clients and their families for six sessions. The first session was an evaluation, followed by four treatment sessions, and finishing with a discharge session. A home program handout was designed and provided to the families to teach interventions and activities that could be implemented by parents or caregivers. Many families expressed their appreciation for the mock clinic and the positive impact the experience provided their children. Regarding her experience at Joya, one student said it was nice to “get a taste of what it is like to meet with clients, make goals, implement interventions, and see progress in action.”


Occupational Therapy Students Volunteer at Riverview Retirement Community

Puzzle pieces on a table
Occupational therapy students build a jigsaw puzzle with residents at the Riverview Retirement Community.

Second-year occupational therapy students had the opportunity to collaborate with individuals in the Riverview Retirement Community during “OCTH 533/535: Occupational Performance and Older Adults.” Students developed a variety of group protocols to run with the residents, including a book club meeting while making bookmarks, decorating vases, creating paper flowers, completing jigsaw puzzles with tea, and engaging residents in reminiscence therapy. Many students discussed later what a terrific opportunity it was to engage with the residents at Riverview and learn more about their life stories.




Public Health

Dr. Daryl Traylor is a professor in the College of Health Science and Public Health who teaches in the Master of Public Health program. He has not allowed the recent Supreme Court decision to prohibit utilizing diversity as a criterion for acceptance into higher education programs — nor a court decision to allow insurance companies to use religion as a reason to deny services — to detract him from a passion for improving diversity and inclusion. He is the lead author for a recently published (2023) review article titled Unmasking Structural Racism in Medical Education: Advancing Equity for Under-Represented Minority Students published in Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences. Dr. Traylor and co-authors cite studies identifying persistence of structural racism in many aspects of medical education. Examples of structural and personal racism include persistence admission processes whereby equally qualified people of color are less likely to obtain interviews, experience a lack of appropriate diversity in mentors, and persistence of false racist medical concepts of physiology that continue to be inappropriately applied to African Americans. Dr. Traylor and his co-authors propose various solutions including increasing diversity among mentors, addressing implicit race bias in admissions programs, increasing education geared toward cultural competence. Dr. Traylor also wrote a blog post in Pulse, regarding the unethical nature of a policy to use religion as a valid reason to deny PrEP prophylaxis, as this policy disproportionately affects minorities. Dr. Traylor is working on creating a pipeline program to help underrepresented minorities gain acceptance into medical schools.


The CHSPH semi-annual newsletter is produced by the student-led CHSPH Newsletter Committee. Special thanks to student members Alaina Hines, Rachel Peters, Keith Shulman, and Jocelyn Simpson for their efforts in collecting and coordinating these stories, and for faculty reviewers for their final review.

CHSPH Newsletter Fall 2022 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/chsph-newsletter-fall-2022/ Wed, 05 Oct 2022 16:20:48 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=82452 Fall foliage on EWU campusThe College of Health Science and Public Health is proud to present the Fall 2022 newsletter. The newsletter was designed and created by a team of CHSPH students in collaboration with faculty and staff. We are excited to share stories from the College and hope that you enjoy this issue.  We welcome your feedback and...]]> Fall foliage on EWU campus

The College of Health Science and Public Health is proud to present the Fall 2022 newsletter. The newsletter was designed and created by a team of CHSPH students in collaboration with faculty and staff. We are excited to share stories from the College and hope that you enjoy this issue.  We welcome your feedback and would love to hear from you! Contact us as chsph@ewu.edu with story ideas or suggestions!

It’s No Lie, EWU Launches Craft Beer Certificate https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/its-no-lie-ewu-launches-craft-beer-certificate/ Mon, 16 May 2022 21:52:58 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=81528 Image or craft beer inside a pint.Eastern students will soon be able to explore the intricacies of ales, lagers and other brews while gaining experience that can help them land jobs in the booming craft brewing industry. EWU’s new 15-credit Craft Beer Industry Professional Certificate will launch this fall, thanks in part to a generous $10,000 seed gift from No-Li Brewhouse. The certificate program’s...]]> Image or craft beer inside a pint.

Eastern students will soon be able to explore the intricacies of ales, lagers and other brews while gaining experience that can help them land jobs in the booming craft brewing industry.

EWU’s new 15-credit Craft Beer Industry Professional Certificate will launch this fall, thanks in part to a generous $10,000 seed gift from No-Li Brewhouse. The certificate program’s timing couldn’t have been better: With 64 breweries located within a 100-mile radius of Spokane, the region is experiencing a beer boom that is fueling a surge in hiring.

“It’s a significant opportunity for kids in this region, because there are so many positions available within craft beer,” says Chris Cindric, a lecturer in wellness and movement sciences who will oversee the program.

Craft breweries are small, independent businesses that produce 6 million barrels of beer or less each year, according to the Brewers Association, a trade association representing craft brewers. As start-ups gain a customer following and expand operations, Cindric says, they look to hire people with expertise in human resources, accounting, production, communications, marketing, and other areas — opening up all kinds of possibilities for graduates. Eastern’s certification program will not only help those larger professional pursuits, it will also appeal to beer connoisseurs who simply want to learn about their favorite sudsy beverages.

Cindric introduced Eastern’s first craft brew class, Craft Beer Evaluation and Service, in the fall of 2020. The goal, he said at the time, was to broaden students’ understanding of craft beer, from grain to glass, and its connection to agriculture and recreation.

Cindric’s passion for beer keeps him rooted in the Spokane-area brewing industry. When he’s not teaching classes at Eastern, he hosts a monthly podcastWheat, Wheat, Don’t Tell Me! To celebrate American Craft Beer Week on May 16-22, the podcastwill feature John Bryant, who owns No-Li with his wife, Cindy.

The Bryants are well-known for their generosity to the greater Spokane community, and for serving up award-winning brews at their popular riverfront brewhouse. John has a strong connection to Eastern that stretches back to when his parents, Bill and ElWanda Bryant, earned degrees from the university in the 1950s.

After spending years honing his brewing skills in different U.S. cities, John is excited to partner on a program that opens doors for students close to home. He’s also psyched about supporting workforce needs in the craft beer community that he and Cindy love.

“We’re creating a brewing program at Eastern Washington University. How amazing is that?” Bryant says.

Exercise Science Club Hosts 5K to Raise Awareness https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/exercise-science-club-hosts-5k-to-raise-awareness/ Wed, 04 May 2022 15:23:38 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=81461 IMAGE OF RUNNERS LEGSEWU Students honor alum while raising awareness On June 12 at 8am, EWU’s Exercise Science Club is hosting a 5k walk/run on the red turf in order to raise awareness and funds to fight domestic violence in our community. The event is being held in honor of Sativa Transue, an Exercise Science alumni who lost...]]> IMAGE OF RUNNERS LEGS

EWU Students honor alum while raising awareness

On June 12 at 8am, EWU’s Exercise Science Club is hosting a 5k walk/run on the red turf in order to raise awareness and funds to fight domestic violence in our community.

The event is being held in honor of Sativa Transue, an Exercise Science alumni who lost her life while on vacation to domestic violence a year ago.  Funds raised by the event will be used in the community to help domestic violence survivors.


CHSPH Newsletter Spring 2022 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/chsph-newsletter-spring-2022/ Sat, 23 Apr 2022 02:51:28 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=81380 Photo of the Spokane campusThe College of Health Science and Public Health is proud to present the Spring 2022 newsletter. The newsletter was designed and created by a team of CHSPH students in collaboration with faculty and staff. We are excited to share stories from the College and hope that you enjoy this issue.  We welcome your feedback and...]]> Photo of the Spokane campus

The College of Health Science and Public Health is proud to present the Spring 2022 newsletter. The newsletter was designed and created by a team of CHSPH students in collaboration with faculty and staff. We are excited to share stories from the College and hope that you enjoy this issue.  We welcome your feedback and would love to hear from you! Contact us as chsph@ewu.edu with story ideas or suggestions!

CHSPH Newsletter Spring 2022


How to Get a Job in Sports (and…) https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/news/how-to-get-a-job-in-sports-and/ Fri, 11 Mar 2022 21:31:54 +0000 https://www.ewu.edu/chsph/?post_type=stories&p=81227 The online webinar was created during the pandemic as a way of linking graduate and undergraduate students with successful working professionals across the country. Sport and Recreation graduate students as well as Physical Education, Coaching, and Sport Management students will be logging in to help interview the distinguished panel.]]>

WAMS Graduate Program is presenting the second annual “How to Get A Job In Sports (and…)” webinar

Wednesday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

The online webinar was created during the pandemic as a way of linking graduate and undergraduate students with successful working professionals across the country. Sport and Recreation graduate students as well as Physical Education, Coaching, and Sport Management students will be logging in to help interview the distinguished panel.

This year’s speakers include General Manager of the Seattle Storm, Talisa Rhea; Spokane Indians Director of Employee Development, MacKenzie White; Eastern Washington University Associate AD, Catherine Walker; and Spokane Parks and Recreation Sports Supervisor Carissa Ware. Following the discussion, students will have a chance to meet with EWU Career Center advisor Aileen Keown Vaux to better understand the tools that EWU offers to help students find their futures.

For questions, or for information on accessibility, please contact Dr. Chadron Hazelbaker, chazelbaker@ewu.edu.
