The EWU Department of Dental Hygiene in partnership EWU Communication Sciences and Disorders is one of four awardees of the 2019 Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) Interprofessional grant.

The (ACFF) has awarded four interprofessional grants totaling over $50,000.00 (USD) to fund projects that will have a positive impact on reducing the instance of dental caries.
Promoting Oral Health in Primary Care: Cavity-Free Futures: Healthier Mothers and Children through IP Collaboration (Eastern Washington University) – Through a student rotation, Eastern Washington University (EWU) dental hygiene students will implement an oral health education program in partnership with St. Margaret’s Shelter, transitional housing for women and children, including pregnant women. These students will provide oral health education, fluoride varnish, sealants, and establish a dental home in collaboration with St. Margaret’s caseworkers. EWU Communication Sciences Disorders students will coordinate feeding, speech and hearing screenings.