Last May, several MPH graduates were award recipients at an awards ceremony for the College of Health Science and Public Health. Award recipients include Guillermo Mendez, Zoë Dugdale, Ryan Douse, Jessica Ochoa, Summer Rose, Dilli Gautam, and Brendon Winston. A variety of awards were given to MPH graduates, including the Dean’s Excellence Award, which was awarded to Ryan Douse. See the rest of the awards below!

Dean’s Excellence Award – Ryan Douse
MPH Primus Inter Pares Award – Guillermo Mendez
Outstanding MPH Student Award – Zoë Dugdale
Exemplary Community Service Award – Ryan Douse
Exceptional Student Leader Award – Jessica Ochoa
Upstream Impact: Excellence in Student Research – Summer Rose
American College of Healthcare Administrators: Award for Student Research Posters – Dilli Gautam
American College of Healthcare Administrators: Award for Student Research Posters – Guillermo Mendez
American College of Healthcare Administrators: Award for Student Research Posters – Jessica Ochoa
Eagles Nest Pitch Contest Qualifiers: Thrive App – Ryan Douse
Eagles Nest Pitch Contest Qualifiers: Thrive App – Jessica Ochoa
Eagles Nest Pitch Contest Qualifiers: Thrive App – Brendon Winston
Eagles Nest Pitch Contest Qualifiers: Thrive App – Dilli Gautam