The EWU College of Health Science and Public Health held a research day on Friday, March 22, 2019 on the Spokane campus. Master of Public Health students Tasha Yip, Yesenia Torres, and Jessica Pal presented their individual research posters.

Tasha Yip is an online student from Vancouver, British Columbia. The focus of her research was access to breast milk for infants in foster care. Her poster presentation highlighted the under utilization and lack of education surrounding the availability of breast milk through government milk banks in Canada.

Yesenia Torres explored perceptions of Bilingual Staff and Certified Interpreters that provide interpretation to Spanish speaking patients. Interpreting services improve health outcomes for patients, yet not all interpreters are certified. Yesenia used individual surveys to collect background information along with a self-evaluation of reading, writing, and speaking abilities to help gage perceptions.

Jessica Pal, an online student from the Seattle area presented her research which looked at the use of cradleboards in American Indian/Alaska Native tradition to reduce sudden infant death syndrome. She surveyed individuals on their use, knowledge, and attitude towards cradleboards – past and present.
Overall, this was a great showcase of the research being done throughout the EWU College of Health Science and Public Health. We are very proud of the work our students presented!
Good Job Tasha, Yesenia, and Jessica!