Archive: stories
MPH Program Hosts Public Health Grand Rounds on Preventing Firearm Injuries and Deaths
April 22, 2019 by aking50

Eastern Washington University’s Master of Public Health program has partnered with the Washington State Department of Health and Spokane Regional Health District to present a series of presentations highlighting salient public health issues in the state of Washington. These presentations are held on the last Friday of every month from 4-5 p.m. and are held…
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MPH Students participate in EWU College of Health Science and Public Health Research Day
March 27, 2019 by aking50

The EWU College of Health Science and Public Health held a research day on Friday, March 22, 2019 on the Spokane campus. Master of Public Health students Tasha Yip, Yesenia Torres, and Jessica Pal presented their individual research posters. Tasha Yip is an online student from Vancouver, British Columbia. The focus of her research was…
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MPH Program Hosts Public Health Grand Rounds on Aging in Rural Areas
March 25, 2019 by aking50

Eastern Washington University’s Master of Public Health program has partnered with the Washington State Department of Health and Spokane Regional Health District to present a series of presentations highlighting salient public health issues in the state of Washington. These presentations are held on the last Friday of every month from 4-5 p.m. and are held…
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MPH Program Hosts Two January Grand Rounds Presentations
February 8, 2019 by aking50

Eastern Washington University’s Master of Public Health program has partnered with the Washington State Department of Health and Spokane Regional Health District to present a series of presentations highlighting salient public health issues in the state of Washington. These presentations are held on the last Friday of every month from 4-5 p.m. and are held…
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Silent Breakfast
January 9, 2019 by dstephens

On November 30, 2018, second year graduate students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders hosted an “Silent Breakfast.” This event was attended by EWU and WSU students and community members and highlighted ways to communicate when you are unable to speak. Participants were required to make breakfast choices, play UNO and have a social…
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Jackson, Dental Hygiene Leader
by awetmore

Sarah Jackson, MSDH, Associate Professor in Dental Hygiene (left) was selected to attend the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) Unleashing Your Potential Workshop in November 2018. Only 24 dental hygienists were chosen with 3 hailing from Washington state. Jackson reports “spending time with Ann Battrell, CEO of ADHA, Michele Braerman, President of ADHA and the President-elect, as well…
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Dental Hygiene Partners with ARCORA to Say Thanks to Veterans!
by awetmore

On November 3, 2018, the EWU Dental Hygiene department provided 35 veterans dental care including comprehensive examinations, dental x-rays, dental therapy (cleaning), fluoride treatment, and dental products at their Annual Smiles for Vets event. Arcora Foundation (Delta Dental of Washington) graciously supported this event that included lunch for all the veteran patients. Together, EWU dental hygiene students, staff,…
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Dental Hygiene and Communication Sciences and Disorders Awarded Grant
by awetmore

The EWU Department of Dental Hygiene in partnership EWU Communication Sciences and Disorders is one of four awardees of the 2019 Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) Interprofessional grant. The (ACFF) has awarded four interprofessional grants totaling over $50,000.00 (USD) to fund projects that will have a positive impact on reducing the instance of dental…
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MPH Student Recognized for Public Health Internship in the Mariana Islands
December 5, 2018 by aking50

MPH student Johnny Aldan spent his summer interning in Saipan at the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC), Division of Public Health, Non-Communicable Disease Bureau. His work at the CHCC was featured in Micronesia’s leading newspaper called Marianas Variety. The article focuses on Johnny’s ambition to inspire peers to pursue healthcare careers. “Our island is in such…
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MPH Program Hosts Public Health Grand Rounds on Maternal Mortality
December 4, 2018 by aking50

Eastern Washington University’s Master of Public Health program has partnered with the Washington State Department of Health and Spokane Regional Health District to present a series of presentations highlighting salient public health issues in the state of Washington. These presentations are held on the last Friday of every month from 4-5 p.m. and are now…
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