
Pre-Nursing Advising at EWU

The pre-nursing advisor advises admitted and confirmed EWU students preparing for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The nursing advisor is located in Center for Academic Advising & Retention (CAAR).

Admitted and confirmed EWU students should work with their assigned CAAR Advisor to fill out and submit a Major Declaration Form for Pre-Nursing.  By being a declared Pre-Nursing student, students will receive announcements through Navigate about the Nursing Program.

Contact CAAR with questions:

Phone: 509.359.2345
Fax: 509.359.6405


Information Session

WHO: Students interested in applying for the EWU Nursing program.


WHERE: Cheney Campus

WHAT: The session will cover admissions requirements, the holistic admissions process, interview preparation and the selection process.


Preparation for BS Nursing Prerequisites Courses

Students currently in high school are encouraged to take biology, chemistry and math courses (algebra or higher) during their junior and senior years to prepare for the BSN prerequisite courses in college.

Students who are transferring to EWU should consult the EWU Transfer Guide to see how courses taken at other schools may meet the BSN program prerequisites and EWU undergraduate degree requirements.

Immunization Requirements

Students interested in applying to the Nursing program are encouraged to begin reviewing the immunization requirements as they apply to the program. Some immunizations may require a titer to confirm immunity.

Required Immunizations include the following:

  • Hepatitis B series—6 months to complete
  • Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (chicken pox)
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap)—initial Tdap and then Td or Tdap every 10 years
  • Influenza—yearly
  • COVID-19—initial and boosters


Students are allowed to ask for a religious or medical exemption to Hepatitis B, Influenza, or COVID-19 vaccinations, however, it will go through a review panel and is not guaranteed.

If approved, it can limit where students can be placed for their clinical rotations. Please note, the ability to receive or utilize exemptions can be changed or revoked at any time based on facility policy—which has changed rapidly with COVID.

Annual Requirements

  • TB Test
  • Influenza