Jack R. Leighton Human Performance Lab


The Jack R. Leighton Human Performance Lab provides state-of-the-art equipment for research experience, clinical assessments, and community testing in the areas of exercise physiology and biomechanics. The lab can offer a variety of health and fitness assessments including:


The lab is located in the Physical Education Classroom Building, room 112B. Parking is available in the P-9 lot (permit required M-F 8 am – 5 pm) and P-12 lot (free all year round).

EWU Directions & Campus Map


Community testing is conducted by faculty and trained students towards the beginning of every month on the following dates:

  • Saturday, June 22, 2024
  • Saturday, July 20, 2024

Alternative testing dates may be available depending on faculty and equipment availability.

To schedule a testing assessment on one of these days, please contact Katie Taylor (ktaylor31@ewu.edu), or Kristyne Wiegand (kwiegand1@ewu.edu).

Body Composition Assessment

Body composition assessment costs are outlined below for community members and EWU affiliates. An EWU affiliate is a student, employee, or alumni of Eastern Washington University. To receive the group affiliate rate, all members of the group must be an affiliate.

All payment must be made before the scheduled appointment through TouchNET and receipt of payment should be provided at the appointment. 

(3+ Group)
EWU Affiliate
EWU Affiliate
(3+ Group)
First Assessment

Pay for Testing

In order to ensure the most accurate results from the body composition assessment, the following instructions should be followed:

  • No food or drinks should be consumed for at least 3 hours prior to the test.
  • No exercise should be performed on the day of testing.
  • The use of lotions and/or skin creams should be avoided prior to the test.
  • Minimal, form-fitting clothing should be worn for the test.
    • Men: Thin, fabric shorts, lycra/spandex-type swimsuit or single-layer compression bike-style shorts (no padding)
    • Women: Lycra/spandex-type swimsuit or bike-style shorts and sports brad (no wire or excessive padding)
  • For reassessments, visits should be scheduled under the same conditions (time of day, hydration levels, amount of facial and body hair, same phase of menstrual cycle (women), etc.).

Man in a pressure chamber for fitness testing.Body composition can be assessed using the BOD POD®, which is a gold-standard technique for estimating percent body fat. The BOD POD® can also provide an accurate estimate of resting metabolic rate. A full test takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and provides highly accurate, safe, comfortable, and fast test results.

A full test requires about 15 minutes and provides highly accurate, safe, comfortable, and fast test results.


Maximal Aerobic Fitness (VO2max) Testing

VO2max assessment costs are outlined below for community members and EWU affiliates. An EWU affiliate is a student, employee, or alumni of Eastern Washington University. To receive the group affiliate rate, all members of the group must be an affiliate.

All payment must be made before the scheduled appointment through TouchNET and receipt of payment should be provided at the appointment. 

(3+ Group)
EWU Affiliate
EWU Affiliate
(3+ Group)
First Assessment

Pay for Testing

In order to ensure the most accurate results from the VO2max, the following instructions should be followed:

  • Refrain from consuming/ingesting food, alcohol, or caffeine or using tobacco products at least 3 hours before the test. 
  • You should be well-rested and avoid significant exertion or exercise on the day of the test. 
  • Be well-hydrated for the 24 hours before the test.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that is comfortable for exercising.

female running on a treadmill while hooked up to a monitorMaximal aerobic fitness testing, or VO2max testing, is considered the gold standard measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness is important for health and key to athletic performance. The Jack R. Leighton Human Performance Laboratory uses an integrated metabolic measurement system to determine maximal oxygen consumption during exercise. This test takes approximately 1 hour to complete and can be conducted on a treadmill or cycle ergometer. The VO2max test is a highly accurate, safe, and reliable assessment of aerobic capacity and ventilatory threshold.

Data is required to be processed following the maximal aerobic fitness test to determine the most accurate results. Results will be analyzed and provided within 1-2 working days of the test for individual assessments but will require 3-5 working days for group assessments.

Lactate Threshold Testing

Lactate threshold testing costs are outlined below for community members and EWU affiliates. An EWU affiliate is an Eastern Washington University student, employee, or alumni. To receive the group affiliate rate, all group members must be an affiliate.

All payment must be made before the scheduled appointment through TouchNET and receipt of payment should be provided at the appointment. 

(3+ Group)
EWU Affiliate
EWU Affiliate
(3+ Group)
First Assessment

Pay for Testing

To ensure the most accurate results from the lactate threshold test, the following instructions should be followed:

  • Refrain from consuming/ingesting food, alcohol, or caffeine or using tobacco products at least 3 hours before the test. 
  • You should be well-rested and avoid significant exertion or exercise on the day of the test. 
  • Be well-hydrated for the 24 hours before the test.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that is comfortable for exercising.

Student running with others monitoringLactate threshold testing allows determination of the point where lactate builds up more quickly than it can be removed. Lactate threshold is a strong predictor of athletic endurance performance. Additionally, training to improve lactate threshold can improve overall performance. This assessment involves the use of fingerstick blood draws throughout a continuous exercise test to measure blood lactate accumulation. This test takes approximately 1 hour to complete and can be conducted on a treadmill or cycle ergometer.

Data is required to be processed following the lactate threshold test to determine the most accurate results. Results will be analyzed and provided within 1-2 working days of the test for individual assessments but will require 3-5 working days for group assessments.

Isokinetic Strength Testing

Isokinetic testing costs for the hamstrings to quadriceps strength ratio are outlined below for community members and EWU affiliates. An EWU affiliate is a student, employee, or alumni of Eastern Washington University. To receive the group affiliate rate, all members of the group must be an affiliate.

All payment must be made before the scheduled appointment through TouchNET and receipt of payment should be provided at the appointment. 

(3+ Group)
EWU Affiliate
EWU Affiliate
(3+ Group)
First Assessment

Pay for Testing

To ensure the most accurate results from the isokinetic strength test, the following instructions should be followed:

  • You should be well-rested and avoid significant exertion or lower-body exercise in the 48 hours leading up to the test.
  • Be well-hydrated for the 24 hours before the test.
  • Wear clothing that is comfortable for exercise. 

Female using exercise equipmentThe isokinetic dynamometer is the gold-standard measure for testing muscle strength. Various protocols can be used to assess different metrics, such as strength, endurance, and speed strength. Assessing muscle strength with an isokinetic dynamometer provides accurate and useful information for various activities. The most common protocol measures the strength balance between the quadriceps and hamstrings, which can provide helpful information regarding muscle imbalances and injury risk. 

Isokinetic strength testing takes about 25 minutes, which includes set-up, calibration, and testing for both legs. Results are available immediately after testing.