Background Information
To receive teaching certification in the State of Washington, all pre-service candidates must pass the
state qualifying exam to demonstrate content knowledge in their areas of endorsement. The content
assessments the State of Washington recognizes are either National Evaluation Series (NES) or
Washington Educator Skills Tests – Endorsements (WEST-E). EWU School of Education requires that
candidates provide evidence of passing their content test(s) before being permitted into full-time
student teaching.
Statement from the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB)
Since 2005, Washington’s educator candidates have been required to pass a content knowledge
assessment for the endorsement area they intend to teach to become certified. While
demonstrating content knowledge is an important step in the preparation of educators, the
assessment has raised serious concerns about the disproportionate testing outcomes
experienced between candidates of color and white candidates.
Recognizing that diverse teachers play a crucial role in providing an equitable education system,
this new exception process provides flexibility to better support candidates as they work to
meet assessment requirements. (
Case By Case Exceptions
The State of Washington allows case-by-case exceptions in certain circumstances. EWU School of
Education has a Case-by-Case Committee that reviews applications for case-by-case exceptions using
multiple forms of evidence. If a candidate’s application for case-by-case is approved, this will substitute
for a passing score on the NES or WEST-E. NOTE: Per PESB regulations, candidates pursuing either a
modern language or bilingual endorsement are not eligible for case by case exceptions. A passing score
on the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) exam is required for an endorsement
in either of these areas.
Eligibility for CBC exception:
1. Candidates must attempt their endorsement test at least twice before applying for a CBC
2. Candidates must have completed at least one of these forms of test preparation:
- a. Mometrix–Candidates can access Mometrix through the following Canvas courses:
EDUC 300, EDUC 386A, EDUC 386B, EDUC 386E, EDUC 427, EDUC 451, EDUC 464, EDUC
403, EDUC 494, EDUC 695, SPED 488. (ADD T2T)
- b.
- c. 240 Tutoring or other test preparation .
- d. EDUC 421 and complete Mometrix practice tests as part of coursework.
- e. Approved alternative
3. Minimum score of 200 for NES or 220 for West-E
4. Once candidates graduate, they are no longer eligible for case-by-case. Candidates who graduated prior to Summer 2024 will be considered as long as they meet other eligibility requirements.
Applying for Case-by-Case Exception
The case-by-case committee will review requests twice per quarter.
If candidates have not met the minimum cut score twice, and believe they are eligible for CBC, they
must follow these steps:
1. Review Deadline Chart
2. Complete an application through the link below that includes:
- a. All previous test reports with domain scores. This is the report that breaks the test into
different content areas. This report should be multiple pages.
- b. Choose the 3-4 lowest subdomain scores from the content test and connect those with
the evidence provided. Candidates can contact their content area advisors for additional
assistance with selecting sub-domains and finding resources, including course content
and competency evidence.
- c. Compile multiple sources of evidence that demonstrate mastery in the 3-4 lowest
subdomains the candidate selected. Examples of evidence include, but are not limited
- An assignment from your applicable content course (not methods course)
- Syllabus from applicable course
- Courses that align with those domains including grades
- Passing scores for certain subdomains/components/objectives on previous
attempts of content tests
- Experience in a domain area
- NOTE: Lesson plans are NOT a good example of content knowledge.
- d. Student Statement: This is the candidate’s opportunity to reflect on their scores on the
test and explain to the committee how they have shown competency in other ways.
- Candidates are encouraged to draft the statement separately and paste into the
form. Suggested length is 250 words per subdomain, which is approximately 3-4
pages per application total.
- Using the evidence attached (see “b” above), the candidate will explain how
they have mastered the domain(s), despite not passing. This statement must
identify how the evidence illustrates how the candidate has met the content
standards of specific domain areas.
- Candidates are encouraged to include specifics from the PESB competencies in
their reflections. The competencies can be found here:
- e. Optional references may be included. If used, it should be someone who can advocate
on the candidate’s behalf in relation to specific content knowledge (for example,
content advisors or professors). Members of the CBC Committee cannot be used as
references. Mentor teachers, education methods instructors, and supervisors may not
be a good reference for content knowledge.
Link to application:
3. After submitting a completed application, candidates will be notified via email of the
committee’s decision no later than the 8th week of the quarter or the end of the quarter
depending on submission date.
- a. If approved, teacher candidates will be recommended once all certification
requirements are met.
- b. If not approved, the email from the CBC committee will include instructions for next
● I have attempted my endorsement test twice but have not been granted a case-by-case
exception; whom should I contact or what should I do?
Email so we can help assist you in finding a successful path to earning
your certification.
● What is the minimum passing score for the NES?
● What is the minimum passing score for the WEST-E?
● How do I access testing accommodations?
We strongly recommend that if a candidate qualifies for an accommodation, that they apply for
one. If candidates qualify for testing accommodations, it is their responsibility to apply and
access alternative testing arrangements with Pearson (the testing administrator). This can be a
time consuming process, so we encourage candidates to start the process of seeking
accommodations well in advance of the time they intend to take the test. This can be done up to
a year in advance of testing.
Pearson lists the following accommodations:
Learning or cognitive disability
Other disabilities or health conditions
Individuals for whom English is not a primary language
Here is the website to apply for accommodations:
Alternative Testing Arrangements
● Will EWU review a case-by-case exception if I attended a teacher education program other than
No, Case-by-Case exceptions are limited to those who complete teacher preparation at EWU.
● Can I apply for a case-by-case exception if I am adding an endorsement through the test only
Test only add-on endorsements are not eligible for case-by-case exceptions.
● How does case-by-case affect me if I am seeking out-of-state licensure?
Generally, candidates earn their certificate through Washington State and then apply for
certification in the state in which they want to teach. Many states have reciprocity once a
certificate is awarded. It is important that you check the requirements for certification in the
state you plan to teach.
● Who can see that I was approved for a testing exception through case-by-case?
EWU personnel who have access to the E-certification system and the case-by-case committee
reviewing the application, School Districts in Washington State, and those collecting and
maintaining data for mandatory reporting to the state.
● What if I missed the CBC application deadline?
Access the deadline chart and apply before the next deadline. Late applications will not be
considered until the next committee meeting.
● Who can I contact with questions about CBC?