School of Education Certification

Endorsements, Testing, Certification FAQs

Program + Test

Consult with your college/university for advice on requirements. Methods, field experience/internship, and subject matter credit hour requirements* are as follows:

  • Methods course(s) — Certificated teachers are required to complete related methods coursework in the desired endorsement area.
  • Field experience/internship — For at least one endorsement area, certificated teachers are required to complete a supervised practicum which includes teaching in the specific endorsement area. For additional endorsement areas, the college will determine whether to require a field experience/internship, and the extent of that internship.
  • Complete appropriate content area testing — The WEST-E/NES or an alternative approved through PESB.

The endorsements offered at EWU that are eligible to be added through a program + testing are as follows:

  • Elementary Education — NES
  • Special Education — West-E
  • Early Childhood Education — NES
  • Early Childhood Special Education — West-E
  • Health & Fitness — West-E
  • Reading — NES
  • English Language Learner — West-E
  • Business & Marketing — NES
  • Bilingual Education — West-E
  • Library Media — West-E

**Individuals who hold ELL or Bilingual may add the other endorsement via testing only.


  • Communicate with appropriate advisor to establish a program plan (for information on content-specific endorsements, please contact the content department advisor)
  • Successfully complete coursework according to program plan
  • Pass corresponding content test(s) and be sure to select EWU as an official score recipient
  • Do NOT apply for your endorsement until you have been contacted by the Certification Officer with instructions. Once you have received notification that you have been recommended, you will submit the application through OSPI’s E-Certification system. OSPI no longer utilizes paper forms for recommendations.
  • Please contact the Certification Officer with questions.

Test Only

Must pass a WEST-E/NES test or an alternative approved through the PESB for the desired endorsement. The endorsements eligible to be added through testing only are as follows:

  • Biology — NES
  • Chemistry — NES
  • Choral Music — West-E
  • Computer Science — NES
  • Dance — West-E
  • Earth & Space Science — NES
  • English Language Arts — NES
  • General Music — NES
  • History — West-E
  • Instrumental Music — West-E
  • Mathematics — NES
  • Middle Level Humanities — West-E
  • Middle Level Mathematics — NES
  • Middle Level Science — NES
  • Physics — NES
  • Science — NES
  • Social Studies — West-E
  • Theatre Arts — West-E
  • Traffic Safety — West-E
  • Visual Arts — NES
  • Designated World Languages — West-E plus ACTFL (both OPI and WPT)

**Individuals who hold ELL or Bilingual may add the other endorsement via testing only.


  • Complete the required testing and submit the APPLICATION online through your E-Certification account.

Washington State law requires educator certificate program candidates to be fingerprinted for a record check through the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

For students planning to complete this process through the EWU campus police, the cost of this record check approximately $70.00, payable either at Student Financial Services  (cash or check) in Sutton Hall or online. Please send a copy of your receipt to Margarita Vera in the Certification Office at Before scheduling an appointment students must obtain the required form from Margarita Vera in Williamson 312. Fingerprinting cannot be completed without this form. To schedule an appointment time, please call campus police at (509) 359-6498.

Click here for alternative locations/options for fingerprinting.

Fingerprint clearance will expire after two years. It is your responsibility to repeat the fingerprinting process at least two months before the expiration date to ensure your clearance remains valid until you are recommended for certification. Fingerprint clearance is a requirement for all field experiences and certification. You can be postponed or removed from a class that includes field experiences or an internship if your fingerprint clearance lapses.

Please contact the EWU Certification Office via email at if you have questions.

Pre-residency Clearance Application

In addition to fingerprinting, the second component of clearance involves establishing pre-residency clearance through OSPIs e-Certification system. In order to do so, you must first create an account at the following link:

Once you have created your account, it takes OSPI 24-hours to make the application list available to you. You will therefore need to log back in after 24-hours to complete the pre-residency clearance application process.

For additional instructions on setting up an account, as well as user guides, use the links below:

While you can apply for pre-residency clearance before being fingerprinted, your pre-residency clearance application cannot be approved until you have valid fingerprinting clearance on file. Like fingerprinting clearance, pre-residency clearance is only valid for two (2) years and may need to be renewed while you remain in the program.


The WEST-B or an equivalent basic skills test (as outlined below for the SAT/ACT) must be completed by each student before they can be admitted into the Education program. If SAT or ACT was taken, based on test date, you may be required to complete one or more sections of the West-B test. For more information on West-B testing, visit Pearson’s website:


  • Writing was added in 2005, no writing score will be accepted for SAT before 2005.
  • Reports prior to Oct 2004 will have “verbal” scores which are the critical reading scores. If the score reports are from Oct 1996 to Sept 2004, then the verbal scores are the same as the reading scores beyond 2004.
  • Oct 2004 and later score reports will have critical reading, mathematics and writing scores listed if the candidate took the tests.


  • Writing was added Feb 2005, no writing score will be accepted before Feb 2005.
  • Reading was added Oct 1989, no reading score will be accepted before Oct 1989.
  • Writing subsection was updated and a new version was administered Sept 2015.
  • Combined English/Writing Scores will NOT be accepted.

Approved Alternatives

If you took a basic skills test that is not listed above, please visit PESB’s website for a list of additional approved alternative tests.

All candidates in the Education program must complete their content testing by the end of the quarter prior to EDUC 427. Please see the Content Testing Deadlines information below for specific deadline dates.

West-E & NES

Students in most Education programs will take either a West-E or NES test. The test subject areas and corresponding test codes can be found in the chart below. For more detailed information, please visit Pearson’s website here:


For candidates pursuing either a world language endorsement or the Bilingual Education endorsement, content testing requires both the Designated World Language West-E or Bilingual Education West-E (test codes in the table below), as well as the oral proficiency and written proficiency ACTFL tests. For more information on ACTFL testing, please visit the Modern Languages website here:

What is a passing score for each type of test?

  • WEST-E – Passing score is 240
  • NES – Passing score is 220
  • ACTFL – Passing rating for a World Language endorsement is Advanced Low or higher and passing rating for the Bilingual Education endorsement is Advanced Mid or higher

When will my scores arrive at Eastern?

  • WEST-E score reports come to EWU once per month. Please reference the table in the “Basic Skills” tab to find out when your scores will reach us.
  • NES score reports come to EWU two weeks after your test date.
  • ACTFL score reports come to EWU once per month.

Test Re-take Policies

  • For all West-E and NES endorsement tests, if you do not pass on your first attempt you must wait 30-days before you can retake.
  • For ACTFL endorsement tests, if you do not receive a passing rating on your first attempt you must wait 90-days before you can retake.

Accommodations Information

For candidates who wish to pursue accommodations for content testing based on learning or cognitive disability, a diagnosed disability or health condition, or for whom English is not a primary language, it is imperative to initiate the request through Pearson as soon as possible due to the additional time needed for resolution to the process. Please note that, while Pearson indicates that resolution will typically occur within 3 weeks, it is not uncommon for the process to take more than a month and even up to several months, depending upon the documentation required.

Pearson will hold submitted documentation for up to one year; beginning the process early simply ensures that accommodations can be in place in advance of program deadlines. It is important to highlight that candidates will be held to ALL testing deadlines regardless of the resolution outcome with Pearson.

For more information on Pearson’s alternative testing arrangements, please visit their website at the following link: Requesting Alternative Testing Arrangements (

Content Test Subjects & Codes – West-E & NES

Subject Test Test Code
Art NES 503
Bilingual Education WEST-E 050
Biology NES 305
Business Education NES 309
Chemistry NES 306
Computer Science NES 315
Dance WEST-E 054
Designated World Languages WEST-E 100
Designated World Languages: Latin WEST-E 101
Early Childhood Education NES 101
Early Childhood Special Education WEST-E 071
Earth and Space Science NES 307
Elementary Education (Subtests I & II) NES 102/103
English Language Arts NES 301
English Language Learners WEST-E 051
Essential Components of Elementary Reading Instruction NES 104
General Science NES 311
Health/Fitness WEST-E 029
History WEST-E 027
Library Media WEST-E 042
Mathematics NES 304
Middle Grades General Science NES 204
Middle Grades Mathematics NES 203
Middle Level Humanities Subtests I & II (ELA, Reading, & Social Studies) WEST-E 052/053
Music NES 504
Music: Choral WEST-E 056
Music: Instrumental WEST-E 057
Physics NES 308
Social Studies WEST-E 028
Special Education WEST-E 070
Theatre Arts WEST-E 055
Traffic Safety WEST-E 043


In order to be permitted into EDUC 427/Winter EDUC 695 for MIT, the following requirements must be met by the corresponding deadline:
  • Attempted WEST-E and/or NES subject matter test in all areas seeking endorsement; quarter deadlines-November 30, March 1, May 31
  • Passing ACTFL ratings specific to World Language and Bilingual endorsements; quarter deadlines-November 30, March 1, May 31
In order to be permitted into full-time student teaching, the following requirements must be met by the corresponding deadline:
  • Passed WEST-E and/or NES subject matter test or been approved for the case-by-case exception in at least the primary area of endorsement; quarter deadlines-November 30, March 1, May 31

Background Information

To receive teaching certification in the State of Washington, all pre-service candidates must pass the
state qualifying exam to demonstrate content knowledge in their areas of endorsement. The content
assessments the State of Washington recognizes are either National Evaluation Series (NES) or
Washington Educator Skills Tests – Endorsements (WEST-E). EWU School of Education requires that
candidates provide evidence of passing their content test(s) before being permitted into full-time
student teaching.

Statement from the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB)

Since 2005, Washington’s educator candidates have been required to pass a content knowledge
assessment for the endorsement area they intend to teach to become certified. While
demonstrating content knowledge is an important step in the preparation of educators, the
assessment has raised serious concerns about the disproportionate testing outcomes
experienced between candidates of color and white candidates.
Recognizing that diverse teachers play a crucial role in providing an equitable education system,
this new exception process provides flexibility to better support candidates as they work to
meet assessment requirements. (

Case By Case Exceptions

The State of Washington allows case-by-case exceptions in certain circumstances. EWU School of
Education has a Case-by-Case Committee that reviews applications for case-by-case exceptions using
multiple forms of evidence. If a candidate’s application for case-by-case is approved, this will substitute
for a passing score on the NES or WEST-E. NOTE: Per PESB regulations, candidates pursuing either a
modern language or bilingual endorsement are not eligible for case by case exceptions. A passing score
on the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) exam is required for an endorsement
in either of these areas.

Eligibility for CBC exception:

1. Candidates must attempt their endorsement test at least twice before applying for a CBC

2. Candidates must have completed at least one of these forms of test preparation:

  • a. Mometrix–Candidates can access Mometrix through the following Canvas courses:
    EDUC 300, EDUC 386A, EDUC 386B, EDUC 386E, EDUC 427, EDUC 451, EDUC 464, EDUC
    403, EDUC 494, EDUC 695, SPED 488. (ADD T2T)
  • b.
  • c. 240 Tutoring or other test preparation .
  • d. EDUC 421 and complete Mometrix practice tests as part of coursework.
  • e. Approved alternative

3. Minimum score of 200 for NES or 220 for West-E

4. Once candidates graduate, they are no longer eligible for case-by-case. Candidates who graduated prior to Summer 2024 will be considered as long as they meet other eligibility requirements.

Applying for Case-by-Case Exception

The case-by-case committee will review requests twice per quarter.
If candidates have not met the minimum cut score twice, and believe they are eligible for CBC, they
must follow these steps:

1. Review Deadline Chart

2. Complete an application through the link below that includes:

  • a. All previous test reports with domain scores. This is the report that breaks the test into
    different content areas. This report should be multiple pages.
  • b. Choose the 3-4 lowest subdomain scores from the content test and connect those with
    the evidence provided. Candidates can contact their content area advisors for additional
    assistance with selecting sub-domains and finding resources, including course content
    and competency evidence.
  • c. Compile multiple sources of evidence that demonstrate mastery in the 3-4 lowest
    subdomains the candidate selected. Examples of evidence include, but are not limited
  1. An assignment from your applicable content course (not methods course)
  2. Syllabus from applicable course
  3. Courses that align with those domains including grades
  4. Passing scores for certain subdomains/components/objectives on previous
    attempts of content tests
  5. Experience in a domain area
  6. NOTE: Lesson plans are NOT a good example of content knowledge.
  • d. Student Statement: This is the candidate’s opportunity to reflect on their scores on the
    test and explain to the committee how they have shown competency in other ways.
  1. Candidates are encouraged to draft the statement separately and paste into the
    form. Suggested length is 250 words per subdomain, which is approximately 3-4
    pages per application total.
  2. Using the evidence attached (see “b” above), the candidate will explain how
    they have mastered the domain(s), despite not passing. This statement must
    identify how the evidence illustrates how the candidate has met the content
    standards of specific domain areas.
  3. Candidates are encouraged to include specifics from the PESB competencies in
    their reflections. The competencies can be found here:
  • e. Optional references may be included. If used, it should be someone who can advocate
    on the candidate’s behalf in relation to specific content knowledge (for example,
    content advisors or professors). Members of the CBC Committee cannot be used as
    references. Mentor teachers, education methods instructors, and supervisors may not
    be a good reference for content knowledge.

Link to application:

3. After submitting a completed application, candidates will be notified via email of the
committee’s decision no later than the 8th week of the quarter or the end of the quarter
depending on submission date.

  • a. If approved, teacher candidates will be recommended once all certification
    requirements are met.
  • b. If not approved, the email from the CBC committee will include instructions for next

● I have attempted my endorsement test twice but have not been granted a case-by-case
exception; whom should I contact or what should I do?

Email so we can help assist you in finding a successful path to earning
your certification.

● What is the minimum passing score for the NES?


● What is the minimum passing score for the WEST-E?


● How do I access testing accommodations?

We strongly recommend that if a candidate qualifies for an accommodation, that they apply for
one. If candidates qualify for testing accommodations, it is their responsibility to apply and
access alternative testing arrangements with Pearson (the testing administrator). This can be a
time consuming process, so we encourage candidates to start the process of seeking
accommodations well in advance of the time they intend to take the test. This can be done up to
a year in advance of testing.

Pearson lists the following accommodations:
Learning or cognitive disability
Other disabilities or health conditions
Individuals for whom English is not a primary language

Here is the website to apply for accommodations:
Alternative Testing Arrangements

● Will EWU review a case-by-case exception if I attended a teacher education program other than

No, Case-by-Case exceptions are limited to those who complete teacher preparation at EWU.

● Can I apply for a case-by-case exception if I am adding an endorsement through the test only

Test only add-on endorsements are not eligible for case-by-case exceptions.

● How does case-by-case affect me if I am seeking out-of-state licensure?

Generally, candidates earn their certificate through Washington State and then apply for
certification in the state in which they want to teach. Many states have reciprocity once a
certificate is awarded. It is important that you check the requirements for certification in the
state you plan to teach.

● Who can see that I was approved for a testing exception through case-by-case?

EWU personnel who have access to the E-certification system and the case-by-case committee
reviewing the application, School Districts in Washington State, and those collecting and
maintaining data for mandatory reporting to the state.

● What if I missed the CBC application deadline?

Access the deadline chart and apply before the next deadline. Late applications will not be
considered until the next committee meeting.

● Who can I contact with questions about CBC?

For candidates completing either the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership or the Master’s Certificate—Principal programs, please do NOT apply for your certificate until you have been contacted by the Certification Officer with notification of your recommendation.

Upon confirmation from the program of your successful completion of all requirements, the Certification Officer will submit your recommendation for the Residency First Issue Administrator certificate through OSPI’s E-certification system and will, at that time, email you at your EWU student email with instructions on how to complete the application. Due to the specific verifications that must take place, it is not possible to expedite the recommendation process. However, once recommendation has been finalized, and a completed application has been submitted to OSPI, districts can place a rush request with OSPI on behalf of the applicant.

Please note, that these instructions only apply to applicants who hold or have held a Washington State educational certificate. If you are an out-of-state candidate, please see the FAQ section below regarding reciprocity and/or contact the Certification Office for guidance.

Please note that applying for your certificate before official recommendation may delay the process.

Intern Substitute Certification

The Intern Substitute Certificate authorizes the intern to substitute teach, only in the classroom to which assigned for student teaching. It is only valid for the duration of this student teaching experience and cannot be used thereafter.

Eastern Washington University School of Education will approve an Intern Substitute Certificate for candidates who:

  • Have completed all requirements outlined in the Intern Substitute Policy and signed and submitted the accompanying Policy Agreement Form to the Certification Office.
  • Have demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to serve as the sole teacher in the assigned classroom as determined by the EWU School of Education.

School District Policy

The school district must confirm support for the Intern Substitute Certificate by submitting a “District Request for Intern Substitute Certificate” to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) through the E-Certification system. In a very few cases the school district will not agree to submit the District Request. This means you will not be eligible for an Intern Substitute Certificate. Interns who are approved for the certificate will be employed by and must apply for employment with the school district.

Intern Substitute Certificate Application Process

  1. Advise your principal, mentor teacher, and supervisor of your interest and request a confirmation of approval email be sent from your mentor to your assigned EWU supervisor.
  2. Contact your school district Human Resources Office to ask for the District Request to be initiated.
  3. Thoroughly read the EWU School of Education Intern Substitute Policy and email your signed Policy Agreement Form to Jill Stinson (
  4. The Certification office will determine if all requirements have been met for approval of the certificate. Approval is entered in your E-certification account and is required before OSPI will issue your Intern Substitute certificate. If not approved, you will be advised of the area(s) of concern.
  5. Once your district has initiated the request for the Intern Substitute Certificate, you will log into your E-Certification account and click the link that reads, “Apply for Your District Request Here”. You will then complete the application and pay the corresponding certificate fee.
  6. Please note that you may not serve until OSPI has issued your certificate. Application alone does not constitute permission to begin subbing. OSPI will notify you once your certificate has been issued, and it will post to your E-certification account for printing/viewing.

Intern Substitute Checklist

  1. Complete a successful midterm meeting with your mentor and supervisor
  2. Complete and submit your PGP to your assigned supervisor
  3. Ensure the school principal, mentor, and university supervisor support your readiness to serve as an Intern Substitute; Mentor should email the university supervisor with a statement of confirmation
  4. Contact your district’s Human Resource Department to inform them of your intent to apply for the Intern Substitute certificate and complete any paperwork they require.
  5. The district’s Human Resource Department will initiate a school request for the Intern Substitute certificate in E-cert
  6. Before EWU’s Certification Office will enter an approval in E-cert, the following must be received: an email from university supervisor confirming your readiness and mentor’s approval, all policy requirements must be met, signed Policy Agreement form emailed to the Certification Office at
  7. Apply for your Intern Substitute certificate through the district request on your E-certification account. You must wait until OSPI has issued your certificate before you can begin serving.

***Note: Do NOT apply for your Intern Substitute certificate until steps 1-6 of the checklist have been completed. If you apply prior to approval being entered in E-cert, OSPI will mark your application as deficient and will not issue your certificate.

Certification Process FAQs

  • It is a good idea, as you wrap up student teaching, to use this time to double-check your degree audit to ensure you have met all university and program requirements for graduation. If everything is in order, there will be nothing further you need to do at this point. If you have met all other program requirements, once your degree has been posted, you will be eligible for recommendation for your residency teaching certificate. For questions/concerns about graduation and/or your degree, transcripts, etc. please visit the Records and Registration directory at the following link:
  • Be patient. You will receive an email from the Certification Office regarding applying for your certificate once a recommendation has been sent.
  • Do NOT try to apply for a certificate until you have received this email. Applying before the recommendation will result in a deficiency statement on your account and may delay further processing.

  • Program completion alone does not allow the department to recommend you for your certificate. Once your degree is posted to your transcripts (which can take several weeks), provided all other certification requirements have been met, the department will send a recommendation to the state for your teaching certificate through your E-certification account.
  • After the recommendation is sent, you will then apply for your certificate by logging in to your E-certification account, clicking “View My Applications”, then “E-certification”, and then on your Home page, scrolling down to access the link that reads, “Apply for Your College Recommendation Here”. This will lead you through the application step-by-step, finalizing the payment of your certificate fee of $74.
  • Once your application is complete, OSPI will continue with the processing and issuance of your certificate, which generally occurs within four to six weeks following the submission of your application. Districts can enter a rush request to OSPI for your certificate if it is needed sooner. Please work with the district’s Human Resources office for this, as the university cannot facilitate district requests.
  • Because they are no longer mailing paper copies, once your “virtual” certificate has been issued, it can be immediately accessed for printing and/or district viewing through E-certification.

  • Absolutely! Many candidates may even receive a Letter of Intent or conditional job offer before having their certificate in hand. If an application asks for your certificate number, you can just enter “pending” until it has been officially issued.

Your Residency First Issue certificate will have an issue date but not an expiration date. It will remain valid until you have been reported as employed by a Washington school district as a teacher with 1.5 FTE or more experience. Part-time and quarter-time employment will count toward this 1.5 FTE but will take more years to accumulate.

For additional information on the Washington state certification timeline please visit OSPI’s website at:

Each state has its own specific certification requirements. However, when you visit the Department of Education website for that state and search for information regarding certification for out-of-state applicants, you will usually find a form. This form is often called an Institutional Recommendation or Verification of Program Completion. It needs to be completed by the designated program official. The Certification Officer at EWU serves as the point of contact for these forms. So, you can easily send an email to the Certification Office or mail the form directly. Additional application materials will be required, but the process is generally straightforward.

Graduates of Eastern Washington University’s programs complete requirements to be recommended for certification or endorsement in the state of Washington. Except for Washington State, EWU has not determine if this program will lead to licensure in your state or the state in which you are seeking licensure.

The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) has negotiated licensure reciprocity agreements among states. This means that if you earn licensure in Washington you may be able to gain licensure in your state based on proof of a valid Washington license.

Important References

Certification for US States

Please note: requirements for licensure can change without notice, therefore it is important to contact your State Department of Education to confirm reciprocity with your state.

If you have any further questions and/or concerns regarding certification, please feel free to contact:

Out-of-State FAQ

Graduates of Eastern Washington University’s programs complete requirements to be recommended for certification or endorsement in the state of Washington. Except for Washington State, EWU has not determine if this program will lead to licensure in your state or the state in which you are seeking licensure.

The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) has negotiated licensure reciprocity agreements among states. This means that if you earn licensure in Washington you may be able to gain licensure in your state based on proof of a valid Washington license.

Each state has its specific certification requirements. If you visit the Department of Education website for the state you’re interested in and search for information regarding certification for out-of-state applicants, you will usually find a form. This form is often called an Institutional Recommendation or Verification of Program Completion.

It needs to be completed by the designated program official. The Certification Officer at EWU serves as the point of contact for these forms. So, you can easily send an email to the Certification Office or mail the form directly. Additional application materials will be required, but the process is generally straightforward.

Important References

Certification for US States

Please note: requirements for licensure can change without notice, therefore it is important to contact your State Department of Education to confirm reciprocity with your state.

Certification Personnel

Jill Stinson

Certification Officer
Williamson Hall 311E

Margarita Vera

Program Specialist 2
Williamson Hall 316C