Category: Organizational Leadership
CPP Alumni Feature: Alissa Muñoz

by Mya Brossoit The College of Professional Programs is proud to feature EWU MS Organizational Leadership Alumna, Alissa Muñoz. Muñoz currently works as Interim Executive Director for the Community Colleges of Spokane, and Corporate & Continuing Education Division. Alissa completed her M.S. in Organizational Leadership degree in October 2023, and celebrated this accomplishment by walking…
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Four Faculty in CPP Receive Community Engagement Awards
May 25, 2023

Dr. Bill Shaw (Accounting) and Dr. Brian Davenport (Organizational Leadership), along with community partner Ms. Ana Fortson (Spokane County Superior Court), received the award for Excellence in Community-Based Teaching and Learning for their presentation “Test Driving Career Through Community Engagement: A Guardianship Auditing Project”. The Award for Excellence in Community-Based Teaching and Learning is a…
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