Here to Help

Our Program Coordinators work with you one-to-one to help you meet your academic goals.

Undergraduate Advising

Welcome! Our goal is to help guide you through a meaningful and well-balanced education at Eastern. We encourage you to take an active role in your academic planning and to come prepared to your planning sessions.

Spokane Campus, 1st Floor Catalyst Building
P: 509.828.1346
Suite 100, Room 144
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F (excluding state and federal holidays)

Cheney Campus
P: 509.828.1346
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., M-F by Zoom only (excluding state and federal holidays)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

EWU Career Services has a full list of resources and information on their Jobs & Internships webpage.

  1. Go to Class Search and find the five-digit CRN (course registration number) of the course that you want to get on the waitlist for.
  2. Go back to the Add-Drop Classes page and put in the CRN in one of the empty boxes.
  3. Click Submit Changes. You will receive an error message that says “waitlisted class.”
  4. Select Web Waitlist from the options.
  5. Click Submit Changes again.
  6. Go to your schedule to make sure the waitlisted course appears.

If you get a second error that indicates “pre-req and test score error,” contact Academic Advising at 509.359.2345 for assistance.

Business Transfer Information

  1. Apply to EWU.
  2. Once you have been admitted, make an academic planning appointment –

To check whether your courses from another school will transfer, use the Transfer Guide.

The following are common community college transfer courses that meet EWU Business Program requirements. Please note that this is not a complete list of equivalent courses. Please use the Transfer Guide for direct equivalents from your current school.

Introduction10 credits
SOCI 100Intro to Sociology5
CRIM 300Intro to Criminal Justice System5
SOCI 301Survey of Criminology5
Foundation Courses15 credits
SOCI 455Criminological Theory5
SOCI 465Contemporary Sociological Theory5
SOCI 398Intro to Social Statistics5
CSBS 320Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences5
SOCI 357Methods for Social Research5
CRIM 330Social Science Research Methods5
Disciplinary Core Courses35 credits
SOCI 351Social Stratification5
SOCI 363Sociology of Deviance5
CRIM 340Ethics in Criminal Justice5
PHIL 212Introductory Ethics5
CRIM 421Restorative Justice5
SOCI 470Social Change5
SOCI 481Social Psychology5
PSYC 302Abnormal Psychology5
CRIM 382Criminal Justice Organization & Administration5
POLI 306Criminal Law5
Social Justice & Community Engagement15 credits
CRIM 420Peacemaking Criminology5
SOCI 485Sociology of Revolutions5
And one of the following:
SOCI 320Race and Ethnicity5
SOCI 321Sex and Gender5
SOCI 482Power and Identity5
Institutions and Civil Society10 credits
CRIM 360Women in Prison5
CRIM 460Penology5
OR one of the following:
SOCI 362Sociology of Politics 5
SOCI 370Sociology of Family5
SOCI 472Sociology of Religion5
Sociological/Criminal Justice Practice Course5/6 credits
SOCI 489Doing Sociology5
SOCI 495Internship5
CRIM 495Internship6
Capstone or Thesis5 credits
CRIM 490 Senior Capstone5
SOCI 490 Senior Capstone5
SOCI 491Senior Thesis5
Elective Courses5 credits
5 credits in Criminal Justice5

There are significant differences between community college degrees that are “Direct Transfer Degrees” and the community college degrees that are not. Direct Transfer Degrees that have been approved by EWU are liberal arts degrees that include a diverse group of general education requirements.

If you complete an approved Direct Transfer Degree, you will:

  1. Transfer to EWU as a junior with 90 credits.
  2. Have satisfied EWU’s general education core requirements.
  3. Have satisfied EWU’s competency and proficiency in computer literacy.
  4. Have satisfied EWU’s competencies and proficiencies in Math and English composition. (NOTE: Direct Transfer Degrees do not cover required coursework in a major area. For instance, students seeking a business degree at EWU will still be required to complete English composition and Math requirements, either by coursework at a community college or by coursework or challenge test at EWU.)
  5. Probably need approximately 90 credits (6 quarters) at EWU to complete a Business degree.

Eastern Washington University is a participant in the Statewide Business DTA Major Related Program (MRP) Agreement. Associate in Business DTA/MRP degrees are accepted from the institutions listed below. When completing one of these DTA degrees, please pay special attention to footnotes explaining certain Eastern requirements.

  • Bellevue College
  • Big Bend Community College
  • Cascadia Community College
  • Centralia Community College
  • Clark College
  • Columbia Basin College
  • Edmonds College
  • Everett Community College
  • Grays Harbor College
  • Green River Community College
  • Highline Community College
  • Lower Columbia College
  • North Seattle Community College
  • Peninsula College
  • Pierce College
  • Shoreline Community College
  • Skagit Valley College
  • South Puget Sound Community College
  • South Seattle Community College
  • Spokane Community College
  • Spokane Falls Community College
  • Tacoma Community College
  • Walla Walla Community College
  • Wenatchee Valley College
  • Whatcom Community College
  • Yakima Valley Community College

If you have not completed a Direct Transfer Degree, you will:

  1. Transfer to EWU with credits based on a course-by-course evaluation of your transcripts.
  2. Be required to satisfy each of EWU’s general education core requirements.
  3. Be required to satisfy EWU’s competency and proficiency in computer literacy by coursework or challenge test at EWU.
  4. Be required to satisfy EWU’s competencies and proficiencies in Math and English composition, either by coursework or challenge test at EWU.

Undergraduate Business Policies

Business Administration courses numbered 300 and above (with the exception of DSCI 346, MGMT 326, MKTG 310, FINC 335 and OPSM 330) are intended for students who either:

  1. are formally admitted to the BSB program or
  2. have post-baccalaureate standing and have completed the prerequisite courses or
  3. have formally declared majors in another degree program, have completed the prerequisite courses and have the appropriate clearances and class standing, and are taking the course for one of the following reasons:
    1. required for their major;
    2. required for their minor;
    3. fulfills a BACR, or International Studies requirement.

Students are also expected to satisfy course prerequisites as listed in this catalog. Students who do not meet one of the above criteria, or who have not satisfied course prerequisites, will be dropped from the course.

Students are limited to three attempts for each requirement for their Business major or minor, including all requirements listed on the Business Administration Core and Business classes required for the major or minor. If a requirement for the major or minor has to be taken 3 times and is not successfully completed with a 2.0 grade by the third attempt, the student will be dropped from the program.

MATH 200 Finite Math OR MATH 142 Precalculus II OR MATH 161 Calculus I, will be the required math course for the business program and the required math prerequisite for DSCI 245, DSCI 346, FINC 335, and OPSM 330. Please refer to the the catalog year in which you declared your major:

Exception to this policy: A student who has completed both MATH 115 and DSCI 245 (or equivalents) before Fall 2012 will not be required to complete MATH 200 to meet the undergraduate business requirement and prerequisites listed above, as long as the student earns a minimum grade of 2.0 in the first graded attempt of DSCI 346, OPSM 330, and FINC 335. A student who fails to earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in the first graded attempt of any of these courses will be disqualified from this exception and be required to complete MATH 200 before retaking the course or any other business course with MATH 200 as the prerequisite.

Students absent for less than five years:

If a student has been absent for less than five years as determined by EWU’s Admissions Office, evaluation of coursework is not needed. Department chairs and/or faculty advisors may recommend but not require that the student repeat certain courses.

Business  program courses that expire after five  years:

  • All Entrepreneurship (ENTP) Courses
  •  ACCT 454 – Federal Income Tax I

Business program courses that expire after ten years:

  • All other business program courses

Second major within the BSB degree program
The faculty of the School of Business have agreed that students may be awarded more than one major of the BSB degree, so long as the student completes at least six (6) courses in the second major that are unique from those in the first major.

For the majority of BSB majors, completing the required major courses is sufficient to satisfy the 6 unique course requirement. In the instances where there are fewer than 6 unique required courses, students may complete the double-major with the addition of an extra course(s). Students may choose a course(s) from the approved electives for that major in order to achieve 6 unique courses.

Currently, the following dual-majors would require that the student complete a course beyond the minimum required for the major in order to achieve six (6) unique courses:
• International Business and Management – Human Resources Option (1 additional unique course required)
• Management – General Business Option and Management – Human Resources Option (1 additional unique course required)

Double-counting of courses for dual majors
The Business Core courses are required for all BSB majors and completing them will satisfy the core requirements for both majors.
Required courses beyond the business core that are common to both majors may be used to satisfy the requirements for both majors. Note that these courses would not be considered to be unique, so students may need to take additional course(s) from the approved electives for their major in order to satisfy the 6-unique course requirement and earn the dual majors.

Double-counting of courses for minors

The faculty of the School of Business have agreed that no more than 1 course may be double-counted in a business minor, except for the accounting minor, which will allow ACCT 251 and ACCT 252 to be double-counted since they are part of the business core.

Declaring the Pre-major and Full Major in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSB)

Pre-major in BSB

The BSB Pre-Major is designed to provide students with exposure to Lower Division Business Core topics to assist students in identifying a major that aligns with their interests. Combined with the General Education requirements, students will gain a foundation for success in all areas of study. Students should declare the Pre-major in BSB if interested in majoring in:

Human Resources Management
International Business
Management – General Business
Professional Accounting

Students should declare the pre-major as soon as identifying an interest in one of the BSB programs and they will then be periodically informed of BSB-related activities.

The BSB pre-major coursework includes:

A. Pre-major General Education:

B. Pre-major Lower-division Business Core Courses:

  • ACCT 251 – Principles of financial accounting
  • ACCT 252 – Principles of management accounting
  • ACCT 261 – Business law
  • DSCI 245 – Business statistics 1
  • ECON 200 – Introduction to microeconomics
  • ECON 201 – Introduction to macroeconomics
  • ENGL 201 – College composition: Analysis, research, and documentation
  • MATH 200 or MATH 142 or MATH 161 or HONS 161

For additional information contact CAAR to learn more about declaring the BSB Pre-Major or one of the BSB degrees listed.


Full Major in BSB

All undergraduate students must declare a major by the time they have completed 90 credits. To declare the Full Major in BSB, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of “A. Pre-major General Education” with a C or 2.0 GPA or higher per university requirements.
  2. Completion of 6 out of 8 “B. Pre-major Lower-division Business Core” courses with a 2.5 GPA or higher.

Students can get guidance on their readiness to declare the Full Major from their CAAR advisor.

To officially declare the Full Major in BSB, students should fill out Major Declaration Form and send it to

For additional information visit Records and Registration.

Business Major Requirements & Electives

Business Systems & Analytics gives you a strong background in both business administration and data analytics. You’ll get hands-on experience as you study different methods, develop data visualizations and take a variety of courses in finance, management, information systems, marketing and more.

Entrepreneurship introduces you to the entrepreneurial mindset while developing the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills you’ll need to start and grow a business. You’ll learn how to tell a compelling story about your business, give a powerful pitch, develop and analyze the value proposition of a business. You’ll also learn how to develop and refine the business model that will drive growth, understand the financial processes of startup, and write a business plan.

Finance is for students who plan to work with the financial management of business firms, banking and other financial institutions, insurance and the securities industries. In this program, you’ll study investment needs, financial requirements and the financial performance of business firms.

International Business gives you a solid background in business administration. You’ll also study international economics, finance management and business management. You’ll learn about multinational people management and global marketing management.

General Management give you a strong background in business administration. You’ll get an introduction to general business with courses in business communications and human resource management. In addition, you’ll choose from a variety of electives that cover topics such as management, entrepreneurship, international business, human resources, finance, accounting and more.

Human Resource Management gives you a strong background in business administration. You’ll also get an introduction to human resource management with courses in compensation administration, current issues and multinational people management. In addition, you’ll choose from a variety of electives that cover topics such as communications, economics, skill-building and more.

Marketing involves product planning, pricing decisions, advertising, sales management and marketing research. Marketing practitioners act as the connecting link between the firm and its external environment — they assist management in adapting the firm to an ever-changing society.

Professional Accounting prepares you to work in careers such as public accounting, industry, government and not-for-profit organizations. In this program, you’ll take the standard business administration courses that cover topics such as introductory economics, financial management, information technology and business law. You’ll also take intermediate accounting courses, study auditing and learn about federal income tax. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from a variety of electives.

In order to graduate from EWU with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSB), you will need to complete the classes listed on the Business Administration Core flowchart as well as those from at least one of our major flowcharts. Please use the following charts for reference.


The Data Analytics Major and Entrepreneurial Analytics Major are Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees, and do NOT require admission to the Business Administration program. Please refer to the Data Analytics or Entrepreneurial Analytics flowchart for detailed information about the major requirements for these degrees.

Business & Accounting Minor/Certificate Requirements

For undergraduate minor course requirements, visit the program pages:

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