Archive: stories

ELLO: Community Engagement in Action!

October 20, 2018

Bus shelter decorated with ello posters

ELLO (Everyday Language and Literacy Opportunities) is a research-based public engagement campaign that enhances community spaces through the use of thematically-tailored, colorful displays to promote positive, language-rich conversations between young children and caregivers throughout everyday routines. What do you spy with your eagle eye? ELLO is so excited about our partnership with Spokane Transit Authority

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Lu Brown

October 16, 2018

Closeup of an Eastern banner hanging from a lamp post

As you might have already heard, the School of Social Work lost a most important member of our social work team when Lu Brown passed away on Thursday of last week. Lu served the social work profession, our communities, and the EWU School of Social Work for over two decades as a Senior Lecturer and

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Dean’s Excellence Award in Service

June 22, 2016

A smiling woman accepts an award

The Dean’s Excellence Award in Service to the college is awarded to a faculty or staff member who has gone above and beyond the call in service to the College of Social Sciences in the past year. The individual who receives this award works incredibly hard for the good of the college, their department and

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Dr. Russell Kolts and Compassion-Based Therapy

September 28, 2015

Russell Kolts gives a presentation on stage

Psychology Professor Russell Kolts is garnering international acclaim for his research in compassionate-based therapy for anger and other powerful human emotions. He is the author of The Compassionate Mind Approach to Managing Your Anger: Using Compassion-Focused Therapy and most recently, An Open-Hearted Life: Transformative Methods for Compassionate Living from a Clinical Psychologist and a Buddhist

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Chertok Honored Students and Faculty Awards Reception 2012

June 16, 2012

Faculty member accepts an award

June 15th, 2012 the College of Social Sciences celebrated liberal arts education in the Social Sciences and Human Services and how it enriches our minds and our lives. We paused to honor those who have fully engaged their education with openness, zeal and a thirst for knowledge. We honored those who have achieved academic honors,

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