Contact Information

Contact Us

For general questions about Urban and Regional Planning, please contact us at, or Lisa Denker at 509.828.1317 or Please make sure to leave your email, student ID and phone number to be reached at.

Please note that each professor in the department is available to advise students. Please contact them via email to setup a Zoom meeting if needed or for any assistance in general. We’re here to help you so please make sure to leave as many details so we are able to best assist you.

Faculty & Staff

Matthew Anderson, PhD

Professor of Urban and Regional Planning
Photo of Matthew Anderson, PhD
Catalyst Room #427

Lisa Denker

Senior Secretary
EWU Creative Writing, Public Administration, and Urban and Regional Planning
Photo of Lisa Denker
Catalyst Room #438

Kristin Edquist, PhD

Professor and Chair of Political Science & Public Policy

Margo Hill, MURP, JD

Professor of Urban and Regional Planning
Photo of Margo Hill, MURP, JD
Catalyst Room #426

Karl Otterstrom

Quarterly Faculty, Lecturer
Photo of Karl Otterstrom

Jason Scully, PhD

Associate Professor and Director of Urban and Regional Planning
Photo of Jason Scully, PhD
Catalyst Room #453

JoAnne Wright

Quarterly Faculty, Lecturer
Photo of JoAnne Wright

Faculty in Affiliated Disciplines

Courtney Jensen

Associate Professor
Photo of Courtney Jensen
Catalyst Room #328

Ning Li

Associate Professor
Photo of Ning Li
Catalyst Room #334

Robert Zinke

Photo of Robert Zinke

Emeritus Faculty

Kerry Brooks, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Photo of Kerry Brooks, PhD