Master of Science in
Computer Science

Admissions Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university    
  • A calculated GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 90 quarter or 60 semester graded post-secondary credits

For students without a computer science degree or computer science minor, we require you to take and pass the following courses, if not already completed, with a GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. You may complete the following courses at EWU as a post-baccalaureate or elsewhere as long as the courses are transferable to EWU.

  • Algorithms (CSCD 320)
  • Relational Database Systems (CSCD 327)
  • Software Engineering (CSCD 350)

You may be required to complete the following prerequisite courses

  • Fundamental Programming (CSCD 210, CSCD 211)
  • Design Patterns (CSCD 212)
  • Data Structures (CSCD 300)
  • Discrete Mathematics (MATH 301)

Processing your application during the summer will take longer than during the academic year. 

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What You'll Learn

The following information comes from the official EWU catalog, which outlines all degree requirements and serves as the guide to earning a degree. Courses are designed to provide a well-rounded and versatile degree, covering a wide range of subject areas.

Computer Science, Master of Science (MS)

Required Core–this coursework provides core knowledge in the areas of algorithms, database systems, software engineering, and research methods.
Electives–choose five courses–at least two must be at the 500-level20
Note: This coursework provides the student an opportunity to take courses specialized to their particular area(s) of interest. Any 400-level or non-CSCD course must be approved by the CSCD graduate coordinator or the student’s graduate committee chair. CSCD 695 cannot be used to satisfy any portion of these elective requirements. The courses CSCD 538 and CSCD 539 may each apply more than once, provided distinct topics are studied.
Thesis or Project
Note: The student is expected to expand their knowledge with a published thesis or to apply their knowledge to a significant project. Projects may be work-related. The thesis or project is defended in a final oral examination of the student’s work.
CSCD 600THESIS (1-16 variable credit)16
Total Credits48

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the graduation requirements, Master of Science in Computer Science students will:

  • analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

Approved January 2019


Photo of Bojian Xu, PhD

Bojian Xu, PhD

Graduate Program Director
Computer Science
Photo of Bojian Xu, PhD
Catalyst 317