Cybersecurity Club

Join the Club!

EWU Cybersecurity Club is the EWU student club that promotes all things cybersecurity. EWU Cyber brings students together to learn more about cybersecurity, volunteer with the local community, and network with industry professionals.

Club Email: Advisor: Stu Steiner | 509.730.5788

Check EagleSync for Upcoming Events

Why join the Cybersecurity Club


Create opportunities for interested cybersecurity students to expand their knowledge and experience through collaboration and team-based projects.


Connect cybersecurity professionals with students allowing for networking and insight into the cybersecurity industry.

Compete Nationally

Cybersecurity Club participates in local, districts and national competitions.

More than a club

Joining the cybersecurity club helps students engage in labs, simulations, and real-world applications to prepare for the job market and make friends while your at it.

I was part of the [Cyber Club] team that won the NSA competition, the cybersecurity national competition for Acer, and that was an amazing experience. I came in knowing nothing about cybersecurity and sure enough, we won it somehow. – Alex Moomaw ’24

NCAE at Eastern

Every year EWU Cybersecurity Club participates in the NCAE Cyber Games! This exciting event, sponsored by the National Security Agency (NSA), is tailored for first-time participants, providing a supportive and enjoyable arena to learn, boost confidence, and showcase your abilities.

The NCAE Cyber Games aim to:

– Introduce students to the dynamic realm of cybersecurity competitions.

– Offer a platform for students to enhance their cybersecurity expertise within a collaborative setting.

– Motivate the upcoming generation of cybersecurity experts to pursue careers in this vital field.

Learn More

Meet Our Officers

Interested in becoming an officer? Let us know!

Thomas Longwell

Photo of Thomas Longwell

Pronouns: He/him

Bree Lang

Photo of  Bree Lang

Pronouns: She/her

Robert Rutherford

Vice President
Photo of  Robert Rutherford

David Parker

Photo of David Parker

Alex Moomaw

Photo of Alex Moomaw

Pronouns: He/him