Faculty & Staff Information

Contact Us

For general questions, call 509.359.2286.  Please be sure to leave your email, student ID, and phone number for us to reach you and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you are looking to speak to a faculty member directly, please contact them via email or leave a voicemail on the mainline and we will send along your info so they can get in contact with you.

Department of Geosciences

1175 Washington St., Science Building 124, Cheney, WA 99004

P: 509.359.2286. E: geosciences@ewu.edu

Faculty Advising Faculty & Staff

Faculty Advising

Students with the last name starting:
A-HDr. Jennifer Thomson
I-QDr. Richard Orndorff
R-ZDr. Chad Pritchard

Students with the last name starting:
A-FDr. Stacy Warren
G-MDr. Lauren Stachowiak
N-TDr. Stephen Tsikalas
U-ZDr. Erin D. Dascher

Please contact Dr. Carmen Nezat

Students with the last name starting:
Climate ChangeDr. Stephen Tsikalas
Digital GeoarchaeologyDr. Brian Buchanan
Environmental JusticeDr. Stacy Warren
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Dr. Stacy Warren
Remote SensingDr. Brian Buchanan
River Studies & LeadershipDr. Erin D. Dascher
Wetlands Science & ManagementDr. Erin D. Dascher
Water Resources Dr. Chad Pritchard
Wildfire Science & Management Dr. Lauren Stachowiak

Students with the last name starting:
GeologyDr. Chad Pritchard
GeographyDr. Stacy Warren
Geotechnical EngineeringDr. Richard Orndorff

Students who have declared a Geoscience major or are pursuing a minor or certificate are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor. Your assigned advisors based on their experience with faculty, or in alphabetical order as described below per program. If you would like to request a specific advisor, the faculty must also agree.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact geosciences@ewu.edu or 509.359.2286

Meet Our Faculty & Staff

Robert Sauders, PhD

Professor, Interim Department Chair
Photo of Robert Sauders, PhD
SCI 126J

Jessica Samson

Administrative Assistant III
Photo of Jessica Samson

Brian G. Buchanan, PhD

Associate Professor
Photo of Brian G. Buchanan, PhD

Erin Dorothea Dascher, PhD

Associate Professor
Photo of Erin Dorothea Dascher, PhD
SCI 121B

Nigel Davies

Instructional Classroom Support Technician III
Photo of Nigel Davies

Lindsay MacKenzie, PhD

Associate Professor
Photo of Lindsay MacKenzie, PhD

Carmen Nezat, PhD

Professor, Director of Environmental Science
Geosciences/Environmental Science
Photo of Carmen Nezat, PhD
SCI 121D

Richard Orndorff, PhD

Photo of Richard Orndorff, PhD

Chad Pritchard, PhD

Photo of Chad Pritchard, PhD

Lauren Stachowiak, PhD

Associate Professor
Photo of Lauren Stachowiak, PhD

Sarah Tsikalas, PhD

Associate Professor
Photo of Sarah Tsikalas, PhD

Stacy Warren, PhD

Photo of Stacy Warren, PhD
SCI 126E