Mathematics Tutoring


Need extra help with math? We are here to help! We offer math tutoring in several places around campus: Monroe Hall, Kingston Hall, and the Catalyst Building. We’re also on Zoom! No appointments necessary, and it’s all FREE.  Eastern also offers tutoring through the amazing PLUS program.


Kingston Math Lab

Kingston Hall 337
Photo of Kingston Math Lab
Office Hours
Summer Quarter 2024 8:30am-1pm Monday-Thursday

MTHD Study Lab

Monroe Hall 114
Photo of MTHD Study Lab
Office Hours
Summer Quarter 2024 closed

Catalyst Math Lab

Catalyst Hall 305
Office Hours
Summer Quarter 2024 closed

Online Zoom Tutoring
Photo of Online Zoom Tutoring
Office Hours
Summer Quarter 2024: 9:30am-1pm Monday - Thursday & 6-8pm Tuesday/Thursday

Why attend?

Come visit us to:

  • Ask questions – big or small
  • Clarify concepts
  • Work on assignments
  • Review for assessments
  • Solicit feedback and tips on study skills

What to expect

  • Check-in; swipe an ID card or type in a student ID #
  • Find an available seat
  • Gather supplies: notes, assignments, calculator, computer, etc.
    • Some supplies are available for checkout
    • We have computers too!
  • Respect our environment and tutors: put away your phone!
  • Ask for help if needed
  • Be patient
  • Work towards understanding, not just getting it done