Category: Outreach
January 2023 News & Kudos
January 10, 2023

Papers published Undergraduate student Nhat Nguyen (Physics Minor 2023), together with Andrés Aragoneses, and Carleton College Professor, Arjendu Pattanayak, have recently published a paper: “TARDYS: Extracting Temporal And Reversible DYnamical Symmetries” Published in Photonics (MDPI), open access: Faculty candidate seminar and teaching demonstration Biochemistry candidate Steven Karpowicz, from Eastern New Mexico University, will deliver a…
[Read more]October 2022 News & Kudos
October 5, 2022

Nobel Prize 2022 (not to the department this year) Physics: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science” Chemistry: Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal, and K. Barry sharpless “for the development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry” Grant awarded…
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June 2022 News & Kudos
May 27, 2022

Grant awarded Ashley Lamm has received a 1.5 million dollar Track 1 NSF Noyce Grant entitled “Expanding collaborations that recruit, prepare, and retain diverse and highly-qualified STEM teachers in Eastern Washington”. This grant provides scholarships to recruit and prepare STEM majors to become K-12 teachers. The program seeks to increase the number of K-12 teachers…
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May 2022 News & Kudos
April 28, 2022

Promotion Berenice Emehiser got promoted to Senior Lecturer, effective next academic year. Outreach to the community Andrés Aragoneses will be giving a presentation about the physics of time travel, “Come time travel with Doctor Who” . Spacetime coordinates: Golden Handle Project in downtown Spokane (111 S. Cedar st). Saturday May 7th at 7 PM.
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The Ecological Benefits of Beaver Dams and the need to study Beaver Dam Analogs
March 10, 2022 by jallen73

By Katelin Killoy, Rebecca Brown, and Camille McNeely This summer a team from EWU’s biology department and partners from the Methow Beaver Project collected data from 13 streams across the Methow and Okanogan watersheds. We focused our efforts on incised streams in wildfire affected areas. Stream incision occurs when channel downcutting into the stream bed…
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December 21 News & Kudos
December 8, 2021

Undergraduate Women in Physics Undergraduate students Layla Abrams and Taylor Mundel have been accepted to and registered for the APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, on January 21 – 23, 2022 New publications Andrés Aragoneses and David Spichak (EWU undergraduate) published a new paper on the journal…
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November 21 News & Kudos
November 23, 2021

Faculty on Campus Amber McConnell was just approved to be an Affiliated Faculty with the Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies Department at EWU. Affiliated Faculty are faculty who express a commitment to the advancement of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies at EWU and are approved through an application and committee review process. Science Outreach Andrés…
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October 21 News & Kudos
October 6, 2021

Alumni summer research Joel Price (’21) did a presentation at the American Vacuum Society (AVS) 2021 conference about the optical properties of LaNiFeO3, based on his research this summer at PNNL with Dr. Stoke. He won first place for the undergraduate presentations. Science Outreach Andrés Aragoneses will give a presentation on the Science in the…
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Eagle Graduate Awardees

Eagle Graduate Awardees 2021: Joel Price (’21) did a presentation at the American Vacuum Society (AVS) 2021 conference about the optical properties of LaNiFeO3, based on his research this summer at PNNL. He won first place for the undergraduate presentations. Outreach Coming On: Andrés Aragoneses will give a presentation on the Science of Salvador Dalí…
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