Category: Biology
Attorney General Bob Ferguson & Environmental Protection Chief Bill Sherman Presenting to the EWU Students
December 2, 2020 by Jenni Pfeifer-Probert

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Environmental Protection Chief Bill Sherman will be joining in a virtual discussion with EWU students on Tuesday, December 8th from 12-1pm. They will be speaking to the litigation under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) against the Trump Administration. The panelists will discuss the importance of NEPA and…
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On Location at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge
September 21, 2020 by cstemstu

Justin Bastow, a professor in our Biology department, gives us a glimpse of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge and how EWU students get a unique field lab and classroom experience! For more video’s about EWU Biology visit our YouTube Channel here.
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Jessica Allen, PhD featured on NPR’s Science Friday
November 6, 2019 by Jenni Pfeifer-Probert

EWU biology professor and Eagle alum Jessica Allen was featured on Science Friday last week. She discussed the important, often unconsidered role that cemeteries play in urban plant and animal life. Science Friday is a favorite for science enthusiasts across the globe that tune in via radio or podcast each week to learn about the…
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Biology Student Showcase

We are proud to showcase theses and the students who completed them to earn their master’s degrees. Some of the current theses completed are listed below: Identification of Genes from the Poxvirus of a Parasitoid Wasp Steven Alexander Smith (Spring 2018) Riparian Vegetation and the Soil Seed Bank Five Years after Dam Removal on the…
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