Archive: stories

Unexpected Autumn Snow Leads to Unexpected Geology Lessons

October 27, 2020

snow covered campus

The record October snow event last Friday left many of us scrambling to get through the day. Snow tires on

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Student Spotlight with Ellen Picken

September 22, 2020 by cstemstu

Student Spotlight with Ellen Picken

Find peace and purpose in the design program. Open to something new, challenging, and eye-opening? Eastern is a launchpad for

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Geology Department Introduction

by cstemstu

Geology Department Introduction

EWU Geology Rocks, and so do you! Hear from some students and professors in the department in the video below.

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On Location at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

September 21, 2020 by cstemstu

On Location at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

Justin Bastow, a professor in our Biology department, gives us a glimpse of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge and how EWU

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Mechanical Engineering and Technology Department Labs in Action

by cstemstu

Mechanical Engineering and Technology Department Labs in Action

The department of Mechanical Engineering and Technology strives to give students an educational experience that prepares graduates to confidently engage

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Mathematics Department 2020-21 Academic Year Welcome

by cstemstu

Mathematics Department 2020-21 Academic Year Welcome

Department Chair Christian Hansen welcomes the incoming Math students as he chats with faculty about exciting things happening in the

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Mount St. Helens Geology Lesson: ‘Trashcano’

Mount St. Helens Geology Lesson: ‘Trashcano’

Forty years ago, Mount St. Helens, an active stratovolcano in Southwest Washington, erupted killing 57 people and covering much of

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Meet Cass Hennings

Cass Hennings

EWU Geology alum, Cass Hennings, works as a ranger in the Canyon District at Yellowstone National Park. As an interpreter,

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Jaime Sparr

Jaime Sparr

“The Design Program definitely taught me the importance of and how to effectively problem-solve.”

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Dakota Berg

Dakota Berg

“One of the best skills I learned in the program at EWU was problem solving and simply learning how to figure things out on the fly.”

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