physics – CSTEM Tue, 10 Jan 2023 20:48:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 January 2023 News & Kudos Tue, 10 Jan 2023 17:50:07 +0000 Papers published Undergraduate student Nhat Nguyen (Physics Minor 2023), together with  Andrés Aragoneses, and  Carleton College Professor, Arjendu Pattanayak, have...]]>

Papers published

  • Undergraduate student Nhat Nguyen (Physics Minor 2023), together with  Andrés Aragoneses, and  Carleton College Professor, Arjendu Pattanayak, have recently published a paper:

Faculty candidate seminar and teaching demonstration

  • Biochemistry candidate Steven Karpowicz, from Eastern New Mexico University, will deliver a seminar titled “Taurine metabolism: How to make an abundant molecule” on Thursday 12th of January at 14:00, at Patterson 128.
  • Biochemistry candidate Steven Karpowicz, from Eastern New Mexico University, will deliver a teaching lecture on “The role of thiamine in metabolism” on Friday 13th of January at 11:00, at Patterson 128.

Coming outreach

  • Suds & Science: On February 4th, at 7 PM at the Golden Handle Brewery (154 S. Madison, Spokane), Rene Buell and Andrés Aragoneses will be talking about the science in the movie The Martian.

Physics Teatime

  • Physics will continue with its usual social teatime. This term it will be Fridays from 2PM to 3 PM.
Why Chemistry and Physics at EWU? Thu, 25 Feb 2021 22:44:17 +0000 Dr. Abbey (Chemistry) and Dr. Aragoneses (Physics), along with undergraduate students from their research labs, share their favorite parts of working and studying at EWU.]]>

What are some advantages to coming to a regional university like EWU?  Watch and find out!

January News & Kudos Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:06:53 +0000 January 2021 Papers published: Tony Masiello published his research: T. Masiello, S. Ray, J.W. Vant, C.S. Brauer, T.A. Blake, “The high-resolution...]]>

January 2021

Papers published:

Funded projects:

  • FACULTY GRANTS FOR RESEARCH AND CREATIVE WORKS has granted: Jamie Manson (Low-dimensional magnets composed of amino acids), Ashley Lamm (Polymerization of Benzodiazaborole), Andrés Aragoneses (Characterizing noise in photonic neurons), Tony Masiello, and Eric Abbey.

Outreach activities coming soon:

  • Merging the Frontiers of Knowledge: The World of doctor Who. A cross-disciplines panel with Jessica Allen, Kevin Decker, and Andrés Aragoneses. Thursday Feb. 4th, at 7:30 PM. A Zoom webinar at

New equipment:

  • The Dean found money in the ISC budget for the purchase of a Bruker 400 MHz NMR with solid state capabilities. This will be the only solid state NMR in the Spokane area. The instrument will arrive in early June.
October News & Kudos Thu, 29 Oct 2020 16:46:45 +0000 October 2020 Papers Published Tony Masiello published his research: “Analysis of several high-resolution infrared bands of perdeutero-spiropentane, C5D8”, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 372, 111350 (2020).“...]]>

October 2020

Papers Published


  • The WiSE Club has granted scholarships to a handful of female CSTEM students for a total of $1900 awarded. Funds came from the jewelry sales from last year.
  • Tony Masiello submitted a grant as the PI to National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Atmospheric Composition Grant, with Title: “Infrared Spectroscopy of Isotopic Isomers of Halogenated Gases for Remote Sensing Applications”. Amount Requested $970,443.


  • Former student, Biochemistry Eagle, and Berenice’s son, Raymond Emehiser, got his PhD in Chemistry this summer from the University of Idaho and subsequently got a job at Olix US, a pharmaceutical firm in San Diego.


  • The WiSE Club is coordinating a virtual tutoring program that will help CSTEM faculty/staff parents as well as local K-12 public schools.

Nobel Prizes

Not to the department this year.

  • Physics: To Roger Penrose (Oxford U.) for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity; and to Reinhard Genzel (Max Planck & UC Berkley), and Andrea Ghez (UCLA) for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.
  • Chemistry: Emmanuelle Carpentier (Max Planck) and Jennifer A. Doudna (UC Berkley), for the development of a method for genome editing.