- Biochemistry
- DNA Repair
- DNA Damage
- Toxicology
- Drug Metabolism
- Nucleotide Metabolism
- Protein Metabolism
- ITPase
Dr. Burgis was trained in the fields of DNA repair and toxicology. He earned his Ph.D. from The University at Albany, S.U.N.Y. and his post-doctoral training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests focus on understanding certain aspects of nucleotide metabolism, toxicology and drug metabolism using biochemical techniques. His lab is currently investigating the biochemistry and cell biology of the human ITPase enzyme. This enzyme is essential for life in mammals due to its ability to prevent abnormal or damaged DNA/RNA building blocks from accumulating in cells. By studying the human ITPase, his lab aims to contribute to the fields of childhood diseases, cardiovascular development, purine metabolism, cancer development, ageing and drug metabolism. Techniques used in this research program include molecular cloning, protein purification, biochemical assays (including enzyme kinetics), HPLC, drug sensitivity assays, and fluorescent microscopy. Dr. Burgis’ research program has been supported by external grants from the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society and the National Institutes of Health. He has served on the American Chemical Society Biochemistry Examination Committee and as an S-STEM advisor (Co-PI) on a National Science Foundation grant entitled “Increasing the Participation of First-generation and Underrepresented Students in the Sciences.”
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