EWU Alumni G.O.L.D.

Welcome to Alumni G.O.L.D.

When you give back to Eastern Washington University within the first ten years of your graduation, you become a member of Alumni G.O.L.D. — EWU’s new “Graduates of the Last Decade” society!

Members will find many meaningful ways to support EWU, to connect with each other through networking, careers and friendships; and to see their philanthropic achievements recognized!

How do I join?
All current Graduates of the Last Decade who give to the EWU Foundation will become founding members of Alumni G.O.L.D.

G.O.L.D. Levels

There are three levels of Alumni G.O.L.D recognition.


Every Alumni G.O.L.D. member who has given $150 or more becomes an Associate of the Alumni G.O.L.D. Society.


Gifts or pledges made during the first ten years after graduation that reach a cumulative total of $500.


Gifts or pledges made during the first ten years after graduation that reach a cumulative total of $1,000.


Each year, Alumni G.O.L.D. members will receive a letter of recognition and an annual token of their ongoing commitment. New members will receive a lapel pin honoring their membership in Alumni G.O.L.D. and all members will receive an invitation to semi-annual recognition events, including a summer meet and greet for new members.

Members will find many meaningful ways to support EWU, connect with each other through networking, careers, and friendships; and see their philanthropic achievements recognized.

Ryan Poynter understands the importance of alumni giving back to help students succeed. In 2021, this 2015 alumnus and his wife Lauren established the Poynter Scholarship for students who are single parents, and started a foundation to help raise the funds to endow the scholarship at $25,000. In September of 2023, the couple and some fellow alumni achieved that goal.