Explore Giving Opportunities
Build Our Future: The Campaign For Eastern
Eagle On Fund
$University Scholarship Fund
$Eagles Work Fund
$University District Catalyst Building Fund
$Prairie Restoration Fund
$Lucy Covington Fellows Scholarship
$Nursing Program
$Nursing Student Success Fund
$Eagle Athletic Fund (EAF)
$Stadium Renovation Fund
Choose a Fund A-Z
100 Women+ Strong Scholarship
$A. E. Weissenborn Geology Scholarship Fund
$Academic Success Center
$Activist In Residence Endowment
$Africana Studies Program
$Alfonse* and Gwen Hill and Richard Williams Scholarship Endowment
$Alumni Association
$Alumni Legacy Scholarship
$Alumni Reunion Fund
$American Indian Studies Fund
$Amerigroup Rural Medicine Scholarship
$Andy Greathouse Memorial Scholarship Fund
$Anna K. Dvorak Memorial Fund
$Art Department
$ASEWU Scholarship Fund
$Athletic Director’s Excellence Fund
$Athletic Training Education Program
$Barbara Miller – Tom Askman Endowed Art Scholarship
$Barbara R and Walter Shields Football Scholarship
$BECU Black Entrepreneur Opportunity Fellows Program
$Benjamin T. Sims Scholarship Endowment
$Bertha Finley Brisbois Memorial Scholarship
$Bill Youngs Environmental Studies Endowment
$Biology Department
$Biology Memorial Scholarship
$Bonnie and Nathan Narrance Math Scholarship
$Bridge Transfer Scholarship
$C. Peggy Gazette Endowment Fund
$Career Services Planning/Placement
$Challenge Course Program
$CHAS Health Foundation Scholarship
$Cheerleading Captains Scholarship
$Cheerleading Team
$Chemistry/Biochemistry Department
$Cheney Normal School Heritage Center
$Chicana and Chicano Studies Program
$Chicana/o Studies Endowment
$Children’s Studies Program
$Christian and Kelly Hansen Scholarship
$Cindy Wright Doyle Business Scholarship
$College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS)
$College of Health Science & Public Health Scholarships
$College of Health Science & Public Health (CHSPH)
$College of Professional Programs (CPP)
$College of Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (CSTEM)
$Communication Sciences & Disorders
$Communications Studies Department
$Community-Based Learning Fund (CHSPH)
$Computer Science Alumni Endowment
$Computer Science Department
$Computer Science Student Opportunities Fund
$Counseling, Educational & Developmental Psychology
$Craft Beer Industry and Brewing Program Fund
$Creative Writing Program
$Criminal Justice Department
$CSTEM Scholars Undergraduate Research Fund
$Cybersecurity Student Opportunities Endowment
$Darlene and Dr. Peck Ritter Scholarship Fund
$Dave Holmes Scholarship
$David Cornelius Communications Studies Scholarship
$David L. Swanson Memorial Scholarship
$Dean and Jan Owen Family Military Scholarship
$Dean’s Expanding Community Health Workforce Scholarship
$Dental Hygiene Alumni Endowment: bigSmiles bigFutures Scholarship
$Dental Hygiene Department
$Dental Hygiene Endowed Scholarship Fund
$Design Department
$Desmond Porter Wilson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
$Diane E. McHenry Dental Hygiene Scholarship Endowment
$Dick Zornes Football Scholarship
$Diversity and Inclusion Program
$Diversity Equity Inclusion Cybersecurity Endowment
$Diversity Scholars Fund
$Donna J El-Din Memorial Scholarship
$Dorv H. Breitenfeldt Endowment
$Dr David Terwische Endowed Memorial Fund
$Dr George J. Kabat Scholarship
$Dr. Armin W Arndt Jr Children’s Studies Scholarship
$Dr. Lynn Dicus Stephens Endowed Accounting Scholarship
$Dr. Terry Novak Public Service Endowment
$Dru Powers MSW Child Welfare Scholarship
$E-Ship Center
$Eagle 4 Life Fund
$Eagle Athletic Fund (EAF)
$Eagle On Fund
$Eagle Pride Center Empowerment Fund
$Eagle Pride Fund
$Eagles Work Fund
$Eastern Fund (Areas of Greatest Need)
$Economics Department
$Emmanuel Lutheran General Scholarship
$Emmanuel Lutheran Nursing Scholarship
$Empowering Women Upward Scholarship Honoring Marie Marx Strohm
$English Department
$Environmental Science Program
$Equity, Justice & Inclusion Fund
$EWU Academic Advising Association (ACADA)
$EWU Adaptive Athletics Program Fund
$EWU Army ROTC Cadet Scholarship Fund
$EWU Community Garden
$EWU Dreamer’s Fund
$EWU Faculty Permanent Scholarship
$EWU Food Pantry
$EWU Hoodie Project
$EWU Libraries’ Collection Endowment Fund
$EWU MESA (Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement)
$EWU Military Alumni Endowment
$EWU Nursing Scholarship
$EWU Reading Clinic
$EWU ROTC Confidence Course Fund
$EWURA Golden Eagle Scholarship Fund
$Family Innovation Fund
$Family Resource and Training Center
$Felix E. & Charles V. Mutschler Scholarship Fund
$Football Excellence Fund
$Fox Trot Scholarship
$Frank Schadegg Planning Scholarship Fund
$Fred Johns Memorial Scholarship
$Friends of the Gallery
$Genevieve Johnson Nursing Scholarship Fund
$Geosciences Department
$Geosciences Student Research Fund
$Get Lit! Festival
$Gilbert and Helen Cooley Scholarship Fund
$Global Experiential Learning Fund
$Gwendoline Harper Scholarship
$H.O.M.E. Network Childcare Scholarship
$Harry William and Alice M. Kegel Scholarship
$Hatch Family Football Scholarship
$Hattemer Lineman Scholarship
$Health Services Administration Department
$Hispanic Legacy Scholarship Endowment Fund
$History Program Fund
$Homecoming Fund
$Honors Excellence Fund
$Honors Program Scholarships
$Inge Hendron Endowed Scholarship
$Iñiguez Family Endowed Scholarship
$Inspired Mathematics Teacher Fund
$Interdisciplinary Studies Program
$International Affairs Program Scholarship
$J. Eugene and Vee Fletcher Scholarship Endowment
$James & Cheryl Desautel Scholarship
$Jeanette Day Scholarship Fund
$Jeff Donnerberg STEM Student-Athlete Fund
$Jeff Thomas Behavioral Health Scholarship
$Jerry Martin Track and Cross Country Scholarship
$John & Nancy O’Neill Endowed Scholarship
$Jon & Karen Heimbigner Scholar Athlete Fund
$Journalism Department
$Kathy (Iverson) Privratsky Honorary Endowed Scholarship Pass-Through
$Ken Garmann/Bill Wall #57 Scholarship
$Kendall Feeney Scholarship Fund
$Krumble Micro-grant Fund
$L. M. Ryan Endowed Women’s Scholarship
$Lance & Stacey Rasmussen Endowment
$Leo and Pat Chandler Leadership Scholarship
$Library Fund
$Lu Brown Legacy Scholarship
$Lucy Covington Fellows Scholarship
$Lynn Triplett Scholarship Fund
$Management Information Systems Fund
$Mariachi Scholarship and Activity Fund
$Mark Mays Scholarship Endowment
$Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Program
$Mathematics Department
$Matthew Manville Memorial Scholarship
$Maxine Keogh Health Services Administration Scholarship
$McNair Scholars Program
$ME/MET Alumni Endowment Fund
$Mechanical Engineering & Technology
$Men’s and Women’s Track Excellence Fund
$Men’s and Women’s Trainers Excellence Fund
$Men’s Basketball Excellence Account
$Men’s Golf Excellence Fund
$Meta Meyer-Ziegler Educational Scholarship
$Miss Grace Leadership Scholarship
$Modern Language/Literature Department
$MPA – Master of Public Administration
$MultiCare Nursing Scholarship
$Music Department
$Niblock Greek Scholarship Fund
$Nic Waitt SSMP Annual Memorial Scholarship
$Nicholas T. Curtis Scholarship Endowment
$Nursing Program
$Nursing Student Success Fund
$Nutrition Station
$Occupational Therapy Department
$Outdoor Recreation Program
$Paleontology & Taphonomy Research & Travel Fund
$Parkinson’s Speech & Swallowing Research Fund
$Pepiot-Guffin “Love Wins” Scholarship
$Philosophy Department
$Physical Therapy Department
$Physics Department
$Pi Kappa Alpha Library Fund
$Pierce Alvin Yim Excellence Fund
$Poynter Scholarship
$Prairie Restoration Fund
$Proud Eagle Nursing Scholarship Fund
$Psychology Department
$Randy Park Graduate Fellowship
$Randy Van Turner Endowed Scholarship
$Randy Van Turner ROTC Scholarship (for ROTC student in Army Reserves or National Guard)
$Ray Hamel Endowed Computer Science Scholarship
$Richard & Susan Stannard Family Scholarship
$Robert F. Bender Endowed Scholarship
$Robert L. Carr Memorial Scholarship
$Rogers High School-EWU STEM Synergy Fund
$ROTC Foundation Fund
$Sally Winkle Women’s and Gender Studies Scholarship
$Sarah A. C. Keller Anthropology Scholarship
$Satori Camp Fund
$School of Business
$School of Business Scholarships
$School of Education
$School of Professional Accounting
$School of Professional Accounting Advisory Board Scholarship
$School of Social Work
$School Psychology Scholarship Fund
$Seth & Deena Dryden Scholarship
$Shirley Cheramy Endowed Accounting Scholarship
$Soccer Excellence Fund
$Sociology Department
$Speech/Language Pathology Graduate Scholarship
$Stadium Renovation Fund
$STEM Interclub Student Council Fund
$Steve Blewett Student Internship Endowment
$Steven L. Jones Memorial Scholarship Endowment
$Strength and Conditioning Center
$Student Accessibility & Accommodation Fund
$Student Activities Fund
$Student Emergency Fund
$Student Research and Creative Works Symposium
$Student Veteran Endowment
$Successful Stuttering Management (SSMP) Program
$Teachers for Teachers Fund
$The Wim Albers Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
$Theatre & Film Discretionary Account
$Theatre Excellence Fund
$Theatre Showcase Angel Scholarship
$Thomas B. Morris German Study Abroad Endowment
$Thomas F.N. Puckett Memorial Scholarship
$University District Catalyst Building Fund
$University Scholarship Fund
$University Writing Center
$Urban and Regional Planning Department
$Veterans Resource Center (VRC)
$Victor Wallace Athletic Spirit Scholarship
$Walt Powers Scholarship Fund
$WAMS – EMS Excellence Fund
$Wellness & Movement Sciences Department (formerly PEHR)
$West Side Alumni Scholarship
$WFSE Local 931 Scholarship Fund
$Women in Computing Degrees Endowment
$Women In Need (WIN) Fund
$Women’s and Gender Studies Center
$Women’s and Gender Studies Scholars Award
$Women’s Basketball Excellence Fund
$Women’s Golf Excellence Fund
$Women’s Tennis Excellence Fund
$Women’s Volleyball Excellence Fund
$Young Writers Program – Writers in Residence
$Youngs Endowment for National Parks Studies
$Zorre Dearborn Scholarship Fund
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Please note that a gift fee will be assessed on your generous contribution. Generated funds are utilized to fund foundation activities and fundraising initiatives. The full foundation fees policy can be found at ewu.edu/FoundationFees.
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All gifts to EWU Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law. Always consult your tax advisor for advice and possible tax benefits.
*An Advancement Fee of up to 5% will apply to your donation. This fee provides essential operational support for the EWU Foundation. Please visit Foundation Fees Policy for more information.
The Eastern Washington University Foundation is a nonprofit corporation established in 1977, organized for charitable and educational purposes. The EWU Foundation exists solely to raise and manage private resources to support the mission, goals, and priorities of Eastern Washington University. In order to maintain its nonprofit status in an ethical fashion, the EWU Foundation does not allow other organizations, entities, or individuals to utilize its non-profit status or Employer Identification Number (EIN) to solicit funds that do not directly advance the EWU Foundation mission.